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How lnog can this go on?
Restless Mummy is literally this but both with rush
Could've been the offense version of saronite if it was a battlecry and both had rush.
Undervalued for a deathrattle minion. Maybe both should had a rush, a taunt or at least +1 health.
Any idea what the hell Rumbletusk Breaker say when he gets summoned?
Put me in, mon! It's my turn!
Mini version of Baine.
I hope people realize that this is a better dreadsteed. this is probably going to be meta defining. Really good in warlock.
Read the text again
I think you mean Ricky and Cal, if this is a "Talladega Nights" reference. Ricky Bobby and Cal Naughton Jr, AKA: Shake and Bake! lol
stealth is better
For a quick little second I thought that they've made a better version of a Dreadsteed for all classes.
Due to all the trolls in the set, wouldn’t a Rumble Tuskbreaker be more intimidating to them?
Can’t this go on any longer?
Maybe for deck that actually need it's minions to stick for a turn or two?
Their real names are Ricky and Bobby.