Unleash the Hounds
Card Text
For each enemy minion, summon a 1/1 Hound with Charge.
Flavor Text
You must read the name of this card out loud each time you play it.
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While everybody looking to counter Hunter is focused on Lesser Emerald Spellstone and dealing with the wolves, people keep forgetting about this card, loading up their side of the board with 4+ minions. Coupled with Animal Companion RNG, Hunter’s got a 2/3 chance to do 8 damage that wasn’t on the board before. Then when you consider that Zul’jin will replay that combo potentially multiple times, turn 10 won’t just give Spellhunters a secret Christmas Tree but potentially enough buffed charge minions for lethal damage.
Too many people teaching Chief Inspector while leaving themselves susceptible to Unleash the Hounds, particularly after turn 10. Looking at you, Odd Rogues...
Unleash the clowns
Unfortunately doesn't work with Stampede since the wording is play and what Unleash the Hounds does is summon cards...
does it work with the quest? I know the murlock quest works with a spell that summons 4 murlocks so it wouldnt be fair if this didnt work with the hunter quest
Unite the Murlocs specifically says "Summon". The Marsh Queen specifically says "Play". These are different mechanics. Since Unleash the Hounds says "Summon" it doesn't count as a "Play" for The Marsh Queen and thus doesn't work unfortunately.
Knife Juggler + Unleash the Hounds = Best combo vs Imp-Losion and Muster for Battle.
You must read the name of this card out loud each time you play it.
Yes.. I does that.
I just like saying Unleash the Hounds
lost many times because of this... warlocks should not use Imp-losion
This card used to be supper strong when it used to cost 2 mana, but still it is good. My only concern is what when you play against control deck. It tend to be a dead card in your hand for the whole game.
seriously, this card is retarded.
this was the game i just played, hunter mirror:
turn 1 flare for him, turn 1 tracking.
turn 2 flare into wolf for him, hero power for me
turn 3 animal companion for him (taunt), hyena coin uth for me, hunters mark the taunt, clear board, get buffed hyena.
turn 4 stonetusk boar and buzzard for him, buzzard and UTH for me, he immediately concedes. fuck this card
Please nerf this card to 3 mana.
Why is the gold one double the mana cost....?
Massively unbalanced at 2 mana. I think 3 is the sweet spot; they should have tried that before dropping it all the way to 2.
Two mana is a bit bullshit.