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    posted a message on Sudden Genesis

    Assuming the copies this summons are also damaged, then this actually has really crazy synergy with Blood Warriors; if you have even just two damaged minions on the board then not only will this combo get you two Faceless Manipulator procs but you add four more cards to your hand. Yes it's an 8-mana combo but the value could be immense in the control mirror (imagine getting two extra copies of Twin Emperor Vek'lor AND one more on the field at the same time) or help you stay alive against more aggressive decks if you duplicate and copy stuff like Alley Armorsmith or Ancient Shieldbearer. This is the kind of long-form attrition based gameplan that Warriors have historically been the best at, at least pre-Pirates.

    I dunno, sounds pretty powerful (and fun) to me. And besides, what other viable Control Warrior deck archetypes do you see popping up in Standard? Quest Warrior seems more midrange-y to me if that turns out to be as strong as it looks, so I think this card is worth remembering if you like full-on control decks.

    Posted in: Sudden Genesis
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    posted a message on The Caverns Below

    Maybe it's too obvious, but now that we've seen the Igneous Elemental. you could easily make this quest work in an Elemental Rogue. You can even use the Servant of Kalimos to discover additional Flame Elemental spawners or combo Igneous with Spiritsinger Umbra to get 4 of them on the spot. And not only are the little 1-mana guys amazing after you've activated Crystal Core they can activate your Combo cards easily. 

    With the fairly wide variety of Elemental cards in the neutral pool and some of the nice new Rogue cards we've got (namely Vilespine Slayer and Envenom Weapon), I think you could make a surprisingly straight-forward midrange/tempo deck that could get a lot of mileage out of this quest. You may find that to be kind of a disappointingly simple solution to what looked to be the hardest Quest to complete but I feel like knowing there's a simple way to make this work could make this NOT feel like another slap to the face to diehard Rogue players.  

    Posted in: The Caverns Below
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    posted a message on The Last Kaleidosaur

    2 thoughts about this quest: since you could use cards like Holy Light and Forbidden Healing instead of conventional buffs (which tend to not be so great), you might be able to make this quest work in a Healadin control deck thanks in no small to Ivory Knight. Now if the best thing you get offered is a Blessing of Might or Silvermoon Portal, you're not too sad since they at least make quest progress.

    Furthermore, now that we've seen the Primalfin Champion and both Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale and Ysera generate buff spells, you could make it a Menagerie deck with The Curator. Seeing as how midrange Menagerie Paladin already kinda works, that doesn't even sound that crazy.

    Posted in: The Last Kaleidosaur
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    posted a message on Jungle Giants


    Posted in: Jungle Giants
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    posted a message on Spikeridged Steed

    My assumption is that the Stegodon is a 2/6 Beast with Taunt; the idea being the minion you buff is now riding the Stegodon. 

    Posted in: Spikeridged Steed
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    posted a message on The Last Kaleidosaur

    The few attempts at a buff-based Paladin deck I've ever seen be even moderately successful are typically two-turn-kill combo decks, usually using Jungle Panther and/or Stranglethorn Tiger. So it's interesting to note that 1) Galvadon is also a Beast and 2) if you manage to get offered Shrouding Mist, then he's basically just another Tiger with 4 additional adaptations which is kind of crazy; even with just Stealth and Lightning Speed, this guy can make all of your buff spells lethal easily and with 5 chances to hit those 2, that doesn't even seem that impractical. 

    So with Stampeding Kodo being so useful in Paladin, that new Lightfused Stegodon guy, and this quest's noted synergy with Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale, is it possibly we're seeing the beginnings of Beast Pally? Not sure what you pair up with that other than Curator and maaaaaybe Kodorider in Wild but it's interesting to note I think.

    Posted in: The Last Kaleidosaur
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    posted a message on Crackling Razormaw

    Scenario 1: You Adapt a token (Rat, Tabbycat, Hound, Spider etc.). Adaptations such as Poison Spit, Living Spores, Flaming Claws, and Crackling Shield all let you regain OR stay ahead on board control.

    Scenario 2: You Adapt a Deathrattle minion (Kindly Grandmother, Rat Pack, Infested Wolf etc.) then adaptations such as Volcanic MightCrackling Shield, Rocky Carapace, or Liquid Membrane make it difficult for your opponent to easily kill them which, combined with their Deathrattles, ensure you have a board for the following turns.

    Scenario 3: You Adapt a tempo minion (Dispatch Kodo, Stampeding Kodo) then adaptations such as Crackling ShieldRocky Carapace, or Massive allow them to keep you in control of the board even more than their Battlecry already helps you do.

    Scenario 4: You Adapt a late-game value minion (Savannah Highmane, Swamp King Dred) and adaptations such as Liquid Membrane, Shrouding Mist, or Lightning Speed all but guarantee your strongest threats get to attack twice and close out the game.

    tl;dr, this goddamn 2-drop can be used with any Beast in any situation that a Hunter may find themselves in for great value. Amazingly good card in literally any Hunter deck.

    Posted in: Crackling Razormaw
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    posted a message on Tol'vir Warden

    I worry this card is going to end up sharing the fate of Small-Time Recruits: a really solid resupply card in aggressive decks (the only archetype that really wants to play multiple 1-drop minions) for a class that has no way to play aggro well in the current meta. The current token-based aggro Hunters that rely on stuff like Alleycat, Kindly Grandmother, and Rat Pack don't build up to anything scarier than a board full of 1/1 Beasts so they struggle to do enough damage before multiple Taunts & board clears immediately kill your pressure.

    So basically, those kinds of Hunter decks are getting more well-rounded thanks to this guy I guess but much like Small Time Recruits it's almost certainly not going to help you finish off your opponent which is what those decks are really lacking at the moment. Blizzard seems extremely hesitant to let Hunter play aggro well again which is honestly probably for the better. Midrange Hunter seems like it might do well this expansion so I'm not complaining.

    Posted in: Tol'vir Warden
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    posted a message on The Caverns Below

    Oh, and the Brann Bronzebeard + Shadowcaster meme deck that Dane played a lot was practically built for this quest; not only does that deck easily play 4 of each of those cards before it's all said and done, it lets you generate an infinite army of 1-mana 5/5's afterwards with any effect you want. Sounds pretty good to me.

    Posted in: The Caverns Below
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    posted a message on The Caverns Below

    So this card is really strong with Charge minions yeah? Like the dream is Finja, the Flying Star on 4 into Crystal Core on 5  into the scariest board ever right? Hell, imagine Shadowstepping Southsea Deckhand either to complete the quest or, post-quest, dealing 10 damage for 1 mana. If you can find a way to make Shadowstep & the Brewmasters work in Aggro Rogue, it might actually be decent. Using Mimic Pod to copy Chargers/burn spells, again, can either help complete this quest or just straight kill the opponent...I dunno, I wouldn't write this card off just yet.

    Posted in: The Caverns Below
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    posted a message on Crystalline Oracle

    WALL OF TEXT INCOMING: I think this card is good, don't get me wrong, but I've been thinking about it and I'm not so sure Quest/N'Zoth Priest is going to want to play it.

    1.) Because your Quest is already your defacto 1-drop and you'd never play this thing BEFORE the quest. So at best you're playing it on turn 2 with, what, Power Word: Shield? At that point you'd rather just play Loot Hoarder right?

    2.) The body is too small to justify bringing it back with N'Zoth, especially since the Priest Quest necessitates you play at least 7 Deathrattles; would you rather get this thing back over Cairne or Tortollan Shellraiser? Hell, since Shifting Shade exists, if you value the effect but want better N'Zoth synergy you'd just play that right? Or if you really value having a 1-drop Deathrattle you can weave into your curve, Mistress of Mixtures has a significantly better body as well as helping you stay alive long enough to complete the damn Quest.

    3.) Going back to the Loot Hoarder comparison, since the Quest takes up one card in your starting hand always unless you mulligan it (so you not only give up your turn 1 play, you're down a card at start) you REALLY want to cycle through your deck faster to get your removal & Deathrattles. Priest has Northshire & Power Word: Shield, sure, but Loot Hoarder is better on curve, does the same job, & makes progress towards your quest. That's gotta be better than getting a random card from your opponent's deck most of the time right? Oracle's effect may be better in the long term if you're grinding it out in the control mirror but if all of your Deathrattles + N'Zoth don't win the grind, is this little guy really going to tip you over the edge consistently?

    Am I crazy? Again, the card is obviously pretty good overall and may make Elemental Priest a thing (dat Lightspawn synergy!) but if we're assuming Awaken the Makers and N'Zoth are key cards for this deck, I don't see this guy being all that good.

    Posted in: Crystalline Oracle
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    posted a message on Arcanologist

    Fair enough, I'm not the biggest fan of Mage either, but consider what the class is losing in the upcoming standard rotation: Ice Lance, Forgotten Torch, Emperor Thaurissan, Reno Jackson, and Flamewaker just to name a few. So that's no more Freeze Mage, Reno Mage, or Aggro/Tempo Mage. What do they even have left that some other class doesn't do better? Even some of their more creative/interesting cards like Rhonin and Effigy are going to Wild. 

    Posted in: Arcanologist
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    posted a message on Pyros

    So now that we have a pretty good idea of how Elementals interact with one another, does this card look any better? Respawning as an elemental you can play 3 times whenever you want/need to trigger an effect such as Ozruk as well as being a decent body for its cost could be pretty good given the right cards.

    Posted in: Pyros
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    posted a message on Ozruk

    I don't know...I mean, it's obviously super vulnerable to hard removal & silence, but the typical rebuttal to that is just play other minions earlier that are weak to same thing so they can take the fall instead. Trouble is, most of these elementals (and their whole synergistic mechanic) are predicated on being cheap, small minions so you can activate effects like these (even more so with Ozruk). So in an elemental deck full of small things, what do you play before this guy that your opponent will need to Hex/destroy/silence so he can live? Especially if they know that's what you're setting up for.

    Posted in: Ozruk
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    posted a message on Getaway Kodo

    I really want this card to be good with Youthful Brewmaster and Ancient Brewmaster. Just keep cycling Grimestreet minions & other good tempo cards when they're hurt or silenced or whatever, rebuffing everything, then playing them again. Infinite value! Maybe I'm crazy. 

    Posted in: Getaway Kodo
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