• 4

    posted a message on Void Contract has some issues
    IfQuote from EmoGit >>
    Quote from Hites >>

    Is this seriously a salt thread about not knowing how rounding works?  FFS...

     Half of one is not 1 and would never be rounded up to one

     It absolutely would if you have to go to a whole number (which you do in Hearthstone). You typically round up from 50% and higher if you have to go to a whole number, this is what you're taught in basic mathematics. If you have 3 cards, you'll burn 2, because 1.5 rounds up to 2. 15 cards means you burn 8, Etc.

    If in school you ever had to round 0.5 to 0 decimel places, you'd go to 1, not 0.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Void Contract has some issues
    Quote from KnivesOut >>
    Quote from DyingAtheist >>

    It rounds up on odd numbers - the alternative is for it to round down which is literally no better or more fair or more balanced, you're just salty that it apparently cost you a game. The card is 100% fine.

     He literally said “luckily it did not cost me the match.”

     Alright, salty for reasons I can't figure out then. Cheers.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Void Contract has some issues

    It rounds up on odd numbers - the alternative is for it to round down which is literally no better or more fair or more balanced, you're just salty for reasons I can't figure out, the alternative is no more logical or less "stupid". The card is 100% fine.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Rastakhan's Rumble: Arena Impact

    Griftah cannot be worse than average, it literally cannot, and the way the card is worded means that it is, on average, above average. I honestly think people still struggle with variance, for the same reason people think Fel Reaver was a bad arena card etc. All calls about "risk" are vastly overexaggerated. 

    As an aside, by MVP so far is Gurubashi Hypemon, a card that has singlehandedly won me about half the games in my Control Rogue arena run. 

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 2

    posted a message on Celebrating Winter Veil - Our Favourite Moments From Kobolds & Catacombs

    Un'goro and KFT aren't nearly as powerful as you're making out. The top decks right now use a handful of cards from either at most, and the most popular deck in the meta (Spell Hunter) doesn't use a single card from either.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Can I just say how much I love rumble run? (poll)

    Just cleared it with the Mage hero power shrine - feels very very strong, especially with the minion that increases its damage permanently by 1 (and is always drawn at the start). 

    My problem is definitely the lack of replayability. I enjoyed it plenty, but my incentive to go back and keep playing it isn't there like it was with DR and MH.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on What do you think the sleeper card of the expansion is going to be?
    Quote from Kovachut >>
    Quote from DoubleSummon >>
    Quote from Kovachut >>

    Isn't it obvious? It's Dozing Marksman, as his flavour text suggests.

    But in all honesty I think there are many cards with great potential and we can't really decide which will be the most played one, until we actually test them and compare the power levels of the decks they are used in. I personally think, that Gurubashi Offering is one of the underrated cards. I am not saying it's 5 stars or anything, but I just think people are downgrading it due to its effect not being an immediate one. I think, that we can easily play it on turn 1, behind a taunt or after a clear and we will get the health bonus. But even if someone decides to throw a charger at it, it would act as a soft taunt.


     and then you gain.. 8 armor and lose the minion too.. that card is horrendously bad 0/2 taunt for 1 is also terrible

    Yeah, so? Think of it as a neutral spell that grants you armour, but has a delayed effect (and it's counterable).

    I think that in some control decks (e.g. warlock) the 8 health gain might be very attractive. You won't play this minion on the board, when it can be easily traded off, you play it when a) the opponent doesn't have a board and is obligated to use a spell or a silence and b) when you have a taunt/a bunch of taunts, which the opponent can't get through. I think that the 1-mana cost makes it easy for us to squeeze it after a board clear. If the opponent uses an answer other than a silence  - let's say zoolock - then this minion can save us 5 health (Doomguard), 6 health (Leeroy Jenkins) or 4 (Soulfire), which is still nice.

    The only deck, which I consider it will act as a true counter to this card, is odd rogue and their 2-attack weapon. I won't be able to play the offering after a board clear and w/o a taunt, but on turn 1, if they decide to coin into their HP and give up tempo, then the outcome is still good.

    The offering could have been stronger as a 0-cost minion (and 6 armour gain to compensate the effect), it could have been broken as a deathrattle minion and useless, if the deathrattle triggered only on the opponent's turn. It's not great, but it has some potential.

     No, sorry, the card is absolutely terrible. Iron Hide was trash and this is clearly worse. A neutral spell that grants you armour, has a delayed effect and is counterable even sounds terrible. Trading a card (and tempo, since this is a turn 2 play) for 8 POTENTIAL armour is never a good idea.

    Guarantee this sees no viable play.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Shieldbreaker
    Quote from RailY >>

    I would say that Blizzard has no idea about what's happening to their game, and that this card gives an Insane boost to an Archetype that has been dominating the Meta for the last 2-3 Years, but apparently people like it and then you realize that the majority of players left in Hearthstone are those Aggro players that everyone complained about 3 Years ago.

    Well done, hearthstone has the lowest population it has EVER seen, the Twitch numbers are the Lowest they have ever been, and cards like that , cards like Patches, cards like Flegling are the reason for that.

    Jokes on you though since, there are not many Control players left in this game, so this sh*t is useless in the mirror matches you are going to be playing from now on.

     I can't tell if this is serious because this is such a control/combo-heavy meta right now. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Shaman Legendary - Krag'wa, the Frog

    The art itself is so great that I'm considering becoming a Shaman player for this expansion. It's also a great effect, absolutely tonnes of value if done right and fits into Even Shaman (though less so the current aggressive variant).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Rastakhan's Rumble: Arena Impact
    Quote from Sinti >>
    Quote from DyingAtheist >>
    Quote from Sinti >>




     Fair enough, thanks for the write-up. I definitely disagree, I think simple variance tells us that the card can't possibly be worse than average, but hey, whole reason these threads are interesting is the disagreements.

    Sightless Ranger (4) - Even if you pull off the effect it's not a particularly amazing minion - unless you can do it twice. With only 4 health, that seems unlikely.

    Captain Hooktusk (5) - It's a 8 mana 6/3? In a very specific deck this could work but generally speaking it's a big old no for me. Pirates at the moment tend to rely on battlecries too.

    Seance (4) - 2 mana to draw one card essentially, which, well, isn't very good. 

    Gonk, the Raptor (3) - Unless you've somehow got the DK or a Bite in hand or something, what're the chances you're going to do multiple attacks anyway? The only way this is good is with a very specific draft, but fortunately the statline is...okay. 

    Bog Slosher (3) - 3 mana 3/3 with a good upside but a loss of tempo.

    Linecracker (1) - The kind of card that thrives in arena, hell, I'd call a neutral 7 mana 5/10 a pretty good card even without the overkill, that 10 health is huge. Could even make its way up to (1).
    Edit: Changed my mind. It's a 1. That stat-line is just too good.

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 1

    posted a message on Rastakhan's Rumble: Arena Impact
    Quote from Sinti >>


    Griftah (5): Giving your opponent resources, any resources is bad. You might not even have a choice of giving him a bad card either. Way too risky for arena imho.

     I've seen a few people giving Griftah similar ratings and I'm trying to understand why, and I can't. Why is giving your opponent a card a bad thing if it's a symmetrical effect? Surely they at the very least cancel each other out, making this a 4/5 and therefore at least average? Tanglefur Mystic is a pretty good arena card, certainly not a 4 or 5, why wouldn't the same apply here? 

    Not calling anyone out or anything I'm just genuinely curious as to the thought process.

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 1

    posted a message on Rastakhan's Rumble: Arena Impact

    Griftah (2) - It's a Yeti. The idea that giving your opponent a card is a big downside doesn't make much sense to me because it's not even an entirely symmetrical effect and you'll know the card your opponent has and can therefore play around it. Ahead on the board? Pick two weak cards. Need removal but your opponent doesn't? Focus on that. There's plenty of ways to make this better for you than it is for them, as well as having a great stat line AND giving you information.

    Arcanosaur (3) - Not that hard to set up given how prevalent the likes of Fire Fly are and elementals in general, especially in Mage. Maybe I'm a little optimistic but we've seen just how good Duskbreaker is time and time again. If Duskbreaker is a (1), then I think this is a (3). 

    Farraki Battleaxe (3) - Weapons are good, just the way it is really. This is definitely on the weaker side but a 3/3 is probably worth say, 3.5-4 mana, add in the effect which should still be possible at this stage of the game and you can get some nice bonus benefits.

    Totemic Smash (2) - Not much to say, great card.

    Grim Rally (3) - In constructed this has fairly obvious connotations, but I'm not seeing it as much in arena. It's a 3 rather than a 4 because you absolutely can try to draft a zoo-esque deck in arena, but it's not always going to happen and I'd say you're much more likely to have 2-3 minions on the board, max. 

    Spirit of the Frog (5) - 3 mana do nothing, lovely. 

    Crowd Roaster (4 - 3 in Warrior) - Probably being a little optimistic again but I think the effect is so powerful and in some classes, like Warrior, not that hard to pull off. Depending on the draft this is a top tier (1) level pick.

    Akali, the Rhino (3) - As with Crowd Roaster, it's incredibly draft dependant. If you get this early, you focus on rush minions where feasible, if you get it late then you ignore it unless you have plenty of rush minions in your deck already. Sort of impossible to evaluate in a vacuum, it could be a (2) or it could be a (4).

    Stampeding Roar (3) - If Ironhide Direhorn didn't exist, I'd give this a (4) if not a (5). But that's a common card, a 7 mana 7/7 with rush that, upon overkill, summons a 5/5? That combination is an arena killer, it really is, it's likely to flat out win you the game. I think, or hope at least, that Ironhide is common enough to justify picking up a single copy of Stampeding Roar.

    Master's Call (4) - Loads of potential in constructed, less so in arena with the less-specialised drafts.

    Wardruid Loti (1) - Top tier pick, absolutely top tier. Each form is okay in and of itself without being insane, but the incredible flexibility more than makes up for it and is even more important in arena than it is in constructed.

    Big Bad Voodoo (3) - I really like Ancestral Spirit in arena. I don't think it's a particularly highly rated card, but I'd put it at a (2) personally in the right deck. Despite this on the face of it being better, it's probably not, and I'd rather not sacrifice myself to the RNG gods. Still solid though in a format with much less silence.

    Emberscale Drake (2) - Decent stats, nice little bonus effect, and another dragon for the dragon warrior package. 

    Elemental Evocation (3) - Draft dependent, sure, but I don't think the Innervate is as strong in Mage as it is in Druid and it wasn't a classically strong arena card to begin with. Potentially a big tempo swing with this card if you get say a Frost Elemental out on Turn 1, but, I'm not sure that's common enough to give it a better rating.

    Bloodscalp Strategist (3) - Fine stats, great value card if you can pull off the effect and Candleshot is already a top tier arena card, but usually it's a 3 mana 2/4. 

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 0

    posted a message on New Druid Legendary - Wardruid Loti

    Think this is being underrated, though the power level of the options could have been pushed a BIT more, the INSANE flexibility makes up for it. People thought branching paths was weak initially too, because the options, on their own, are weak, but it's the flexibility that makes it a strong card.

    Don't think it's an incredible card, but do think it'll see solid constructed play.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Rastakhan's Rumble: Arena Impact

    Princess Talanji 4 - As suggested, she makes it to a 4 rather than a 5 because in the right decks she does have potential, they're just going to be rare and her stats suck so, by and large this is not a choice you'll want.

    Murloc Tastyfin 4 - Same kind of deal. 4 mana 3/2 is obviously terrible, but if you do happen to have drafted a murloc-heavy deck then this becomes a much better card, albeit still a slow one. Also, I hate the art.

    Overlord's Whip 3 - If it was a 3/3 instead I think I'd have bumped up the rating quite a bit, as it is, the 2 attack doesn't feel impactful enough and the 1 damage effect isn't likely to be anything but a detriment in arena.

    Spirit of the Raptor 5 - You're essentially paying 1 mana to do nothing (other than play a 0/3), assuming you only trade once. Other cycle cards give you a buff - 2 health, a discover option etc. this is pretty worthless unless you're getting repeat kills. We've not seen the synergy with other cards yet, if there's some common ones that interact with Druid attack then maybe this can get a higher score. 

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 1

    posted a message on Rastakhan's Rumble: Arena Impact
    Quote from Notorious_BLT >>

    Hm, I’m more negative about Haunting Vision than you. Haunting Vision is essentially 3 mana to discover a spell. If you discover one that’s great to play on the same turn, you’ve broken even. Nothing more. It doesn't give you value or tempo. If you don’t, you’ve just payed 3 mana for a discover effect, which is pretty terrible. I’d still pick it depending on what bucket it’s in but it doesn’t seem that good to me. For me, probably a 3 because discover is strong in Arena, but even that is giving it the benefit of the doubt. 

     Yeah I've been thinking that all day, I'm going to knock it down to a 3. Think it'll depend a little on whether Shaman gets some decent spells in the remainder of this expansion too. I do think the 3 mana discount is being underappreciated a bit, Glyph is an incredible card after all and all it really does is "break even", but it's also one you can safely play on turn 2 whereas you'll probably want to hold onto this for when you desperately need some clear etc.

    Posted in: The Arena
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