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Malygos approves.
The real question is...if I totemic smash my opponents face and overkill, will it summon a totem for BM?
God, I hope Overkill in GENERAL does this, just for the lulz. XD
It does!
I think this card is a good face removal with Prophet Velen
Pretty good card. But, wait?! It can go face, wtf?! So, basically, the challenge is as follow: summon a totem by Overkilling your opponent face ;-) Nice!
As far as "2 damage for 1 mana" cards go, it's obviously better than Holy Smite and Arcane Shot, and about on par with Living Roots. It's a good new combo piece for Malygos decks, a neat new support card for the underplayed Windshear Stormcaller, and a decently playable card even without those synergies. Well-designed, well-balanced, well-illustrated, and even well-named... bravo, Team 5!
Extremely great card
Worst case scenario, it's an early kill against aggressive decks; there's no downside to it
I'd imagine it fits well in combo-Shaman too, with Eureka and Malygos
Holy Smite / Arcane Shot on steroids
at least malygos shaman is finally a thing
Nice art, it's not that bad either!
Eureka! with Malygos into 2x Lightning Bolt : 16 damage + 2x Totemic Smash : 14 damage
10 mana 30 damage 🤔
seems like your average otk to me
Living Roots wasn't just good, it was a staple. Will this card not be the same way?
Malygos shaman card, nothing more. People are saying 1 mana deal 2 is decent tempo but I don't think in the history of Hearthstone has there been a low damage, low cost, low impact spell that doesn't cycle itself been run for anything but combo.
Eureka! with Malygos into 2x Lightning Bolt + 2x Totemic Smash is 1 damage missing for a free totem :/
That Zentimo synergy!
it would be perfectly balanced if Malygos wansn't a thing.
I'm pretty sure it willl find a place since it can go face
2 damage for 1 mana is an ok tempo...