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Interesting that no one plays them in constructed. Personally I prefer to run those guys in my odd rogue deck over blink foxes. Both fox and mystic give you a card, which is good for a deck with very limited recources, but card from mystic appears to be playeable more often, because it is always cheap, even if it's rarely impactful. Main reason is his stats tho - 1 extra hp allows mystic to survive hellfires, duskbreakers, sometimes defiles or trades, really, there is a big difference between 3/3 and 3/4. And random 2 drop my opponent recieves is the last thing I should worry about - most decks right now have unlimited recources anyway, if I am against some kind of control/combo, usually they don't even have time to play it
Sleeper card. 3 mana 3/4 statline is fine for an aggro deck, and as an aggro deck you are better prepared to make use of a 2 drop than your opponent.
Prepare to face the mighty Millhouse Manastorm!
... and make it double!
I think this card was designed as a neutral filler for Odd decks. The idea is since you don't have any 2 or 4 cost minions, you can play this, and then play your 2-drop and use your upgraded hero power on the following turn. It makes the curve a little less awkward for these decks and has good stats for constructed.
I see this being made for odd decks.
Turn 3: Tanglefur Mystic
Turn 4: the 2-drop + Hero Power
why create this card? i know it has uses but why not a non random effect?
inb4 wild trolden involving this and a dirty rat triggering a doomsayer...
Neutral Spellslinger, sort of, i like it.
This is great for a mill deck
So 3 mana worth stats drawing random 2 drop. How can it go wrong? :)
Always a good day when they add a new Gnoll minion to the game!