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Scargil can make this card viable.
Mill Rogue got some love this expansion
Thank you. I'm currently having fun playing Mill Rogue with this card. Yes, we are a bit shy
9 out of 10 Hungry Crabs agree – this murloc is extremely tasty.
meh, just for some niche combos that need to draw murlocs
Would have been very good if it was a battlecry, but as a deathrattle it's not good in my opinion.
Its tasty.
I want to try this out in my wild murloc shaman.
i think this card will be rly good in mage murloc or even maybe be seen in a new deck like druid murloc
It's got decent stats and works as an insurance against AOE. Not half bad. Probably not enough to make murlocs great again, at least not on its own.
Murloc pirate mech beast wars 👍😎
So Pirates got draw mechanics now Murlocs got neutral draw mechanic too. It's going to be really weird world next rotation.