Or a Mark - a Druid minion buff that gives stats (Mark of the Loa)
Bonus points this week for "sharing" of a skill. Basically, let's say a Warrior has a Power Word, or a Druid has a Shot. However, if you do a Warrior Power Word, it would still need to be a minion buff.
BONUS POINTS: Zanywoop will only vote for entries on the Submission Thread sharing skills across class lines.
Competition Process
Below is a list of all the deadlines for this contest:
Preview Phase (Oct. 22, 2019 [10:00 PM CST] - Oct. 23, 2019 [10:00 PM CST]) The Discussion Topic is made available, previewing this week's competition theme. Entry and Early Voting Phase (Oct. 23, 2019 [10:00 PM CST] - Oct. 27, 2019 [10:00 PM CST]) During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be unlocked. You may also, of course, feel free to give early up-votes to any submissions that you like! Voting Phase (Oct. 27, 2019 [10:00 PM CST] - Oct. 28, 2019 [10:00 PM CST]) During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be locked, so no more entries may be submitted. Instead, use this time to browse the submissions and up-vote your favorites! Final Phase (Oct. 28, 2019 [10:00 PM CST] - Oct. 29, 2019 [10:00 PM CST]) During this Phase, the Discussion Topic will also be locked, and a Finalists Thread will go up. Discussion will be allowed to continue in the Finalists Thread, and it will also include all the qualifying finalists and a poll to decide the winner of the competition!
Discussion Topic Rules
To make sure that everything runs smoothly, we need to reserve the Submission Topic for submissions only. Everything else goes here. What is everything else, you might ask?
Rules or Process. Do you have a question about the competition's process? Do you need clarification about one of the entry requirements? Are you not sure whether your entry adhered to the rules? Ask here!
Feedback or Ideas. Do you have some ideas you'd like to run by others before settling on one? Do you need help balancing or wording your entry? Do you need help finding art that will fit your card? Or do you just want feedback from the community on your entry? You're in the right place! Remember, although you are allowed to make minor tweaks to your entry after you've submitted it, you're only allowed one submission per week, so make sure that you've settled on your card for sure beforehand.
Discussion! Do you have thoughts on other people's entries? Are there directions you don't like that you're seeing too many people take? Or directions you'd like to see more people take? Would you like to help others and contribute to a greater community understanding of Hearthstone card design and balance? This is where you want to be!
All of that said, please refrain from the following:
Posting TONS of Ideas. Discussion topics become an absolute mess if everybody is posting a dozen different ideas. Please post not more than 3 distinct ideas at a time. Any more than that and we'll have to delete your post.
Advertising Your Entry. As a rule of thumb, please don't pop in here just to advertise your entry only to never be heard from again. This includes only asking short, generic questions like "Thoughts?" or "Do you think this is interesting?". Yes, getting feedback on your entry is one of the purposes of this topic, but we're not just here for other people to help you. We're here for you all to help each other.
Plagiarism. Many people post their ideas here before finalizing them in the submission topic. Directly plagiarizing those ideas to post in the submission topic yourself is absolutely not acceptable.
Looking for more information about the WCDC or Fan Creations in general? Why not check out this FAQ to see if your question is answered there? You can also PM one of us Fan Creation Mods!
I'm a newbie to this process myself - are we able to post card ideas in this preview thread? I understand we'd also have to post in the submission thread, but I'd love to try and get in first with an idea before someone else has the same thought. :-P
I'm a newbie to this process myself - are we able to post card ideas in this preview thread? I understand we'd also have to post in the submission thread, but I'd love to try and get in first with an idea before someone else has the same thought. :-P
Yes. The idea of this thread is to post your ideas here, get feedback on your concept, and perhaps MOST importantly, provide others with your feedback about THEIR ideas. Everyone helps each other out here.
Hunter's Mark is neither a hunter shot or a druid mark, but it also doesn't really combine a Druid Buff under the Hunter class. I would not consider this an example.
Blessing of Divine Fire - on an average minion, ends up being a cheaper Blessing of Kings after 2 attacks, so I think the 3 cost is fair. That said, given the boost it could potentially give to lopsided minions (ie. if played on a 2 mana 1/4, it'd end up attacking as a 6/6) playtesting might be required - that said, that 6/6 would cost 5 mana and 2 cards, so it should still be fine. Probably most powerful thing would be putting it on a 1 mana 1/3 (ie. Northshire), and even then it's weaker than Divine Spirit + Inner Fire (though requires 1 less card) via the coin. But at this starting point the cost should be fine. While it's called Divine Fire, I felt like rolling Divine Spirit and Inner Fire into one card would be waaay too good, so went with a Power Word: Shield level health boost.
Mark of the Hunt - wanted something a bit different than just a stat boost, and while hunter has some other beast related card draw (Starving Buzzard), I don't think they have this particular effect. Very often may just be a 2 mana cantrip with potential upside, but that's also offset by the potential to be useful if you don't have a ready to attack beast out.
"I mean, when you're shot you're usually left with a quite nasty mark."
An early removal or midrange buff which also nets you a card (not sure if that part is necessary, I mean both effects are kinda weak). Also may help heal pally.
If anybody cares about my take on these cards, here it is:
Blessing of Divine Fire: Of the first 4 cards, probably the best designed one. Not seemingly broken, being a 3 mana Inner Fire that gives +2/+2 (Because the Health buff is before the Inner Fire effect), if the minion only gets to attack once, which is about 2,5 manas worth. But, it is more expensive than Inner Fire, making it worse in a combo scenario. So unless you really need redundancy, it won't see play in that context, which is primarily where Inner Fire sees play, so pushing it more towards this, and further away from Divine Spirit, which might rotate at the end of the year, seems like a cool idea. As a value/tempo card in a big butt Priest deck on the other hand, it only needs one attack to be worth it, assuming the minion had 2 more Health than Attack, which shouldn't be difficult in a big butt deck. Though, maybe it should be printed while Tempo/Combo/Big Butt/Whatever Priest is in a worse state than it is now. All in all, an interesting card, that pushes a decent archetype, without being too powerful.
Mark of the Hunt: Compares incredibly unfavourably to Blessing of Wisdom, which mostly doesn't even see play. 1 more mana for more restrictions. And while yes, Hunters get less card draw, it doesn't mean their card draw should be that underpowered. Getting one draw from this is bad, and you can't expect to get more. While you could print this, there would be no reason to, other than technically giving Hunter card draw, which doesn't make sense since it's outside their class to do so. And I don't think the effect is salvagable, since at 0 mana it would probably be too good, and removing the restrictions isn't enough, though as is the card might benefit from being less restricting.
Mark II of the Wild: While it is an interesting pun, the name doesn't really make sense outside the pun, which I kinda dislike. And about the card itself, while a buff that makes a minion a Mech is intriguing, it is obviously absurdly underpowered in its current state, and I think I would prefer going away from being a Mark of the Wild clone, and alter the name, and going for something else, where making something a Mech is valued more like half a mana or less rather than 3-4 mana.
Power Word: Mark of the Shot: First off, and this might just be me not liking the idea of giving other classes things like Power Words, which is part of what this competition is about, but this doesn't make any sense, though it is kinda funny. And at least it both feels like a Power Word, a Mark and a Shot. But about the actual card, 2 mana deal 2 to a minion draw a card is already too good. That's like an unrestricted Backstab that cycles for 2 more mana, which is the normal cost for a card cycling. And the extra benefit just makes this even better, making it an arguably stronger Mark of Y'Shaarj, that only works on minions with 3 or more health rather than beasts. But this might be salvagable by raising the mana cost by 1. At 3 mana it's a bit weaker than you want when it is removal, with the flexibility of being a decent buff if you have a minion with 3 or more health, that also synergizes with healing effects. While the Blessing of Divine Fire might be better designed, I think I like the idea behind this card more. I also like the flavor text btw, quite funny indeed.
Thanks for the feedback Rasmus - I'll take it on board and potentially tweak prior to the submission topic opening up (especially Mark of the Hunt; as you put it, it's way too weak compared to Blessing of Wisdom that doesn't even really see play).
Mark II of the Wild: underpowered...I think making something a mech is minimally worth, maybe 1 mana, so total cost should probably be 3 instead of 5.
Power Word: mark of the shot: overpowered at 2 mana...either make the buff/damage smaller or raise cost to 3. I'm more partial to adjusting the power level than the mana if you can, since a 2 mana one would probably see more play.
This is the Discussion Topic. Upvotes here do not count!
The Submission Topic is here.
Competition Theme: Skill Share
Congratulations once again to Wailor for winning WCDC 10.9. They add yet another contest idea to their already long line of competition victories:
Competition-Specific Restrictions:
You must create a spell from any class that is either:
Competition Process
Below is a list of all the deadlines for this contest:
The Discussion Topic is made available, previewing this week's competition theme.
During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be unlocked. You may also, of course, feel free to give early up-votes to any submissions that you like!
During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be locked, so no more entries may be submitted. Instead, use this time to browse the submissions and up-vote your favorites!
During this Phase, the Discussion Topic will also be locked, and a Finalists Thread will go up. Discussion will be allowed to continue in the Finalists Thread, and it will also include all the qualifying finalists and a poll to decide the winner of the competition!
Discussion Topic Rules
To make sure that everything runs smoothly, we need to reserve the Submission Topic for submissions only. Everything else goes here. What is everything else, you might ask?
All of that said, please refrain from the following:
Looking for more information about the WCDC or Fan Creations in general? Why not check out this FAQ to see if your question is answered there? You can also PM one of us Fan Creation Mods!
Need some inspiration? Visit our winners forum!
I'm a newbie to this process myself - are we able to post card ideas in this preview thread? I understand we'd also have to post in the submission thread, but I'd love to try and get in first with an idea before someone else has the same thought. :-P
Yes. The idea of this thread is to post your ideas here, get feedback on your concept, and perhaps MOST importantly, provide others with your feedback about THEIR ideas. Everyone helps each other out here.
here's a link to the discussion thread from last week's competition, to give you an idea of how it works
Does Hunter's Mark count?
Sort of; It’s not really an example of a mark, but kind of fulfills that purpose. Like it’s effect isn’t similar to the other marks.
In broad terms:
I will add this clarification to the rules.
Hunter's Mark is neither a hunter shot or a druid mark, but it also doesn't really combine a Druid Buff under the Hunter class. I would not consider this an example.
Here's my two thus far:
Blessing of Divine Fire - on an average minion, ends up being a cheaper Blessing of Kings after 2 attacks, so I think the 3 cost is fair. That said, given the boost it could potentially give to lopsided minions (ie. if played on a 2 mana 1/4, it'd end up attacking as a 6/6) playtesting might be required - that said, that 6/6 would cost 5 mana and 2 cards, so it should still be fine. Probably most powerful thing would be putting it on a 1 mana 1/3 (ie. Northshire), and even then it's weaker than Divine Spirit + Inner Fire (though requires 1 less card) via the coin. But at this starting point the cost should be fine. While it's called Divine Fire, I felt like rolling Divine Spirit and Inner Fire into one card would be waaay too good, so went with a Power Word: Shield level health boost.
Mark of the Hunt - wanted something a bit different than just a stat boost, and while hunter has some other beast related card draw (Starving Buzzard), I don't think they have this particular effect. Very often may just be a 2 mana cantrip with potential upside, but that's also offset by the potential to be useful if you don't have a ready to attack beast out.
The first thing that came to my mind. Now i want such a card to exist.
"I mean, when you're shot you're usually left with a quite nasty mark."
An early removal or midrange buff which also nets you a card (not sure if that part is necessary, I mean both effects are kinda weak). Also may help heal pally.
Click here to see my custom pirate adventure, The Treasures of VanCleef! https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/fan-creations/240766-expansion-competition-the-treasures-of-vancleef
If anybody cares about my take on these cards, here it is:
Blessing of Divine Fire: Of the first 4 cards, probably the best designed one. Not seemingly broken, being a 3 mana Inner Fire that gives +2/+2 (Because the Health buff is before the Inner Fire effect), if the minion only gets to attack once, which is about 2,5 manas worth. But, it is more expensive than Inner Fire, making it worse in a combo scenario. So unless you really need redundancy, it won't see play in that context, which is primarily where Inner Fire sees play, so pushing it more towards this, and further away from Divine Spirit, which might rotate at the end of the year, seems like a cool idea. As a value/tempo card in a big butt Priest deck on the other hand, it only needs one attack to be worth it, assuming the minion had 2 more Health than Attack, which shouldn't be difficult in a big butt deck. Though, maybe it should be printed while Tempo/Combo/Big Butt/Whatever Priest is in a worse state than it is now. All in all, an interesting card, that pushes a decent archetype, without being too powerful.
Mark of the Hunt: Compares incredibly unfavourably to Blessing of Wisdom, which mostly doesn't even see play. 1 more mana for more restrictions. And while yes, Hunters get less card draw, it doesn't mean their card draw should be that underpowered. Getting one draw from this is bad, and you can't expect to get more. While you could print this, there would be no reason to, other than technically giving Hunter card draw, which doesn't make sense since it's outside their class to do so. And I don't think the effect is salvagable, since at 0 mana it would probably be too good, and removing the restrictions isn't enough, though as is the card might benefit from being less restricting.
Mark II of the Wild: While it is an interesting pun, the name doesn't really make sense outside the pun, which I kinda dislike. And about the card itself, while a buff that makes a minion a Mech is intriguing, it is obviously absurdly underpowered in its current state, and I think I would prefer going away from being a Mark of the Wild clone, and alter the name, and going for something else, where making something a Mech is valued more like half a mana or less rather than 3-4 mana.
Power Word: Mark of the Shot: First off, and this might just be me not liking the idea of giving other classes things like Power Words, which is part of what this competition is about, but this doesn't make any sense, though it is kinda funny. And at least it both feels like a Power Word, a Mark and a Shot. But about the actual card, 2 mana deal 2 to a minion draw a card is already too good. That's like an unrestricted Backstab that cycles for 2 more mana, which is the normal cost for a card cycling. And the extra benefit just makes this even better, making it an arguably stronger Mark of Y'Shaarj, that only works on minions with 3 or more health rather than beasts. But this might be salvagable by raising the mana cost by 1. At 3 mana it's a bit weaker than you want when it is removal, with the flexibility of being a decent buff if you have a minion with 3 or more health, that also synergizes with healing effects. While the Blessing of Divine Fire might be better designed, I think I like the idea behind this card more. I also like the flavor text btw, quite funny indeed.
Rasmus Svendsen
Just wondering, is a card that generates a token that is a PW, SW, Blessing, Mark or Shot eligible as well, or does the card itself have to be one?
Rasmus Svendsen
Thanks for the feedback Rasmus - I'll take it on board and potentially tweak prior to the submission topic opening up (especially Mark of the Hunt; as you put it, it's way too weak compared to Blessing of Wisdom that doesn't even really see play).
Mor mr mmmml mm Mrgl gk mmmml?
thoughts on other cards:
Mark II of the Wild: underpowered...I think making something a mech is minimally worth, maybe 1 mana, so total cost should probably be 3 instead of 5.
Power Word: mark of the shot: overpowered at 2 mana...either make the buff/damage smaller or raise cost to 3. I'm more partial to adjusting the power level than the mana if you can, since a 2 mana one would probably see more play.
I really like this one
Favorite Cards: 1. Lord Jaraxxus | 2. Malygos| 3. Edwin VanCleef | 4. Zephrys the Great| 5. Deathwing
Here's my idea; a 10 mana legendary mark for hunters.
Each turn includes your opponent's turn. It can only heal, so it doesn't gain any bonus health other than the +2/+2.
Any thoughts?