Or a Mark - a Druid minion buff that gives stats (Mark of the Loa)
Bonus points this week for "sharing" of a skill. Basically, let's say a Warrior has a Power Word, or a Druid has a Shot. However, if you do a Warrior Power Word, it would still need to be a minion buff.
Zanywoop will only vote for entries on the Submission Thread sharing skills across class lines
General Competition Rules
These are the rules that remain consistent from competition to competition.
Posting Rules
You are allowed to submit only one entry.
After your submit, you may only make minor edits to your submissions (spelling, grammar, etc.). Please PM a fan creations moderator if you have questions regarding an edit you are not sure about.
You may not delete ANY posts you make in this Submission Topic, not even accidental ones. Please PM a fan creations moderator if you make a mistake in your submission.
This thread is for submissions only. Any discussion of the competition must take place in the discussion topic.
These are the rules about your Submission:
Your card cannot be Golden, have a hearthcards.net generated backdrop, or any major photo editing done to it.
You are allowed to post in this Submission Topic only once, only to submit your one entry.
Accompanying the image of your card, you may offer some minimal additional commentary to explain its design, balance, and/or other qualities. Flavor text is also welcome.
You may not plagiarize. An immediate qualification is the punishment for this offense.
You must host your card on a image hosting website. postimage.org is highly recommended. imgur.com currently has issues on this site and images hosted there do not show up.
Fun and even humorous entries are perfectly allowed, but "troll" entries will be disqualified. If you're worried that your card may be misinterpreted as a troll card, contact a moderator before you submit. Emote-related cards will be considered a troll entry.
We reserve the right to classify cards as "troll" entries as we deem necessary, even if the reasoning is not explicitly stated in the rules.
A Note on Group Submissions: If you team up with other people to submit an entry, you must enclose that information in your submission and none of you may upvote that entry. That would be considered an unfair advantage and we will treat it as vote-manipulation. You are technically voting for yourself, and that is not allowed. Failing to tell us you're in a group is also against the rules, as we'll have no choice but to assume that you withheld the information to ghost-vote your group's submission.
Finally, know that manipulating votes in any way is strictly forbidden. Any violators will receive an official warning, and will be banned from this and all future HearthPwn Card Design Competitions.
Posting Tutorial
This is a posting tutorial for the website imgur.com. If you use another website, the process will be similar.
It is recommended you use hearthcards.net to create your cards. Save the generated card to your device.
Upload the image to imgur.com. You do not need an account.
After your image is uploaded, many links will be generated. Find the "Direct link". It will have a .jpg or .png at the end of the link. Copy the link.
On your hearthpwn post, find the "Insert/edit image" button:
Paste the direct link. This is recommended but not mandatory: You may choose to make the image smaller by changing the image dimensions.
Competition Process
Below is a list of all the deadlines for this contest:
Preview Phase (Oct. 22, 2019 [10:00 PM CST] - Oct. 23, 2019 [10:00 PM CST]) The Discussion Topic is made available, previewing this week's competition theme. Entry and Early Voting Phase (Oct. 23, 2019 [10:00 PM CST] - Oct. 27, 2019 [10:00 PM CST]) During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be unlocked. You may also, of course, feel free to give early up-votes to any submissions that you like! Voting Phase (Oct. 27, 2019 [10:00 PM CST] - Oct. 28, 2019 [10:00 PM CST]) During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be locked, so no more entries may be submitted. Instead, use this time to browse the submissions and up-vote your favorites! Final Phase (Oct. 28, 2019 [10:00 PM CST] - Oct. 29, 2019 [10:00 PM CST]) During this Phase, the Discussion Topic will also be locked, and a Finalists Thread will go up. Discussion will be allowed to continue in the Finalists Thread, and it will also include all the qualifying finalists and a poll to decide the winner of the competition!
How do we determine the qualifying finalists? We use the following formula:
( ab ) / ( c ) = x
Where, a = The total number of submissions on the same page as the submission. b = The total number of up-votes that the submission received. c = The total number of up-votes on the same page as the submission. x = The submission's final score.
The formula basically measures which cards stood out the most, with the necessary assumption that each page is about equal in overall submission quality. It will be the entries that receive the highest final scores that move on to the Final Phase.
The bottom line is that, although entries on the earlier pages of the Submission Topic are much more visible and thus receive many more up-votes than entries on later pages, you don't actually have to rush to get your entry in as soon as possible because the up-votes end up being weighted by what page your entry ends up on in order to determine its final score.
But wait, there's more! During each Weekly Card Design Competition, each Fan Creation Forum moderators will be given a Wild Card , which they can use to advance any one entry that they feel was initially overlooked or under-appreciated to the Final Phase, regardless of its final score. Wild Cards are our way of spicing things up a bit, but please don't ask to be given one or be upset if you aren't given one. These are just supposed to be fun. (Also, it should go without saying that, while we moderators are allowed to participate in the competitions, we are not allowed to benefit from Wild Cards.)
Bragging rights are always awesome, but as usual, we do offer a couple of HearthPwn site rewards to competition winners: Their card forever immortalized in our Winners' Gallery! They will be allowed to select the next card design competition theme. And a unique Avatar Border & " Card Design Champion " Title, as depicted below!
Looking for more information about the WCDC or Fan Creations in general? Why not check out this FAQ to see if your question is answered there? You can also PM one of us Fan Creation Mods!
This is the Submission Topic. Be sure to upvote what you like here!
The Discussion Topic is here.
Competition Theme: Skill Share
Congratulations once again to Wailor for winning WCDC 10.9. They add yet another contest idea to their already long line of competition victories:
Competition-Specific Restrictions:
You must create a spell from any class that is either:
General Competition Rules
These are the rules that remain consistent from competition to competition.
Posting Rules
These are the rules about your Submission:
A Note on Group Submissions: If you team up with other people to submit an entry, you must enclose that information in your submission and none of you may upvote that entry. That would be considered an unfair advantage and we will treat it as vote-manipulation. You are technically voting for yourself, and that is not allowed. Failing to tell us you're in a group is also against the rules, as we'll have no choice but to assume that you withheld the information to ghost-vote your group's submission.
Finally, know that manipulating votes in any way is strictly forbidden. Any violators will receive an official warning, and will be banned from this and all future HearthPwn Card Design Competitions.
Posting Tutorial
This is a posting tutorial for the website imgur.com. If you use another website, the process will be similar.
Competition Process
Below is a list of all the deadlines for this contest:
The Discussion Topic is made available, previewing this week's competition theme.
During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be unlocked. You may also, of course, feel free to give early up-votes to any submissions that you like!
During this Phase, the Submission Topic will be locked, so no more entries may be submitted. Instead, use this time to browse the submissions and up-vote your favorites!
During this Phase, the Discussion Topic will also be locked, and a Finalists Thread will go up. Discussion will be allowed to continue in the Finalists Thread, and it will also include all the qualifying finalists and a poll to decide the winner of the competition!
How do we determine the qualifying finalists? We use the following formula:
( ab ) / ( c ) = x
a = The total number of submissions on the same page as the submission.
b = The total number of up-votes that the submission received.
c = The total number of up-votes on the same page as the submission.
x = The submission's final score.
The formula basically measures which cards stood out the most, with the necessary assumption that each page is about equal in overall submission quality. It will be the entries that receive the highest final scores that move on to the Final Phase.
The bottom line is that, although entries on the earlier pages of the Submission Topic are much more visible and thus receive many more up-votes than entries on later pages, you don't actually have to rush to get your entry in as soon as possible because the up-votes end up being weighted by what page your entry ends up on in order to determine its final score.
But wait, there's more! During each Weekly Card Design Competition, each Fan Creation Forum moderators will be given a Wild Card , which they can use to advance any one entry that they feel was initially overlooked or under-appreciated to the Final Phase, regardless of its final score. Wild Cards are our way of spicing things up a bit, but please don't ask to be given one or be upset if you aren't given one. These are just supposed to be fun.
(Also, it should go without saying that, while we moderators are allowed to participate in the competitions, we are not allowed to benefit from Wild Cards.)
Bragging rights are always awesome, but as usual, we do offer a couple of HearthPwn site rewards to competition winners:
Their card forever immortalized in our Winners' Gallery!
They will be allowed to select the next card design competition theme.
And a unique Avatar Border & " Card Design Champion " Title, as depicted below!
Looking for more information about the WCDC or Fan Creations in general? Why not check out this FAQ to see if your question is answered there? You can also PM one of us Fan Creation Mods!
Good Luck!
Thanks Zanny and Cake for the feedback. I tried to find a more "spectral" artwork, but it's quite specific 😅
GreyBlood"Maybe the Mark of the Lights gives a minion -5/+5."
Rate my Death Knight Concept Class (be nice in the feedbacks... hehe).