Well, I have no idea what I'm doing here. I've created single card, but this is my first attempt at hero/class design, so I'll accept any ctricism you guys may have. My class is:
Basically, as you can probably tell, this class's identity revolves around drawing and shuffling cards. Not completely set on a direction for where to go from here, so I'm open to suggestions. I'll have more time tomorrow to leave some feedback for some of the other ideas on here, but generally I can say everyone is doing a great job so far!
One more question: If a class provides a new Keyword, does it have to be showcased in 1st phase?
Great question. I just asked the same one myself haha. If you notice, the classes that have a class keyword do NOT use them in the BASIC set. To follow that pattern, the new keyword cannot be used on a card in the basic set for phase 1. You may provide the tooltip for context about your class's identity, but again, it CANNOT be printed on a card in the basic set.
Might be a silly Q - do I need to explain it all, like Klipce did here?
While you don't NEED to do so, it is a good idea, in order to give people a feel for the identity of your custom class. Just posting a bunch of cards, with no basis for the thought behind possible mechanics and strategies, makes it harder for other posters to give you meaningful, constructive feedback on your ideas. SO, I'd recommend it.
SIDE NOTE: It's also great to give others feedback, as analyzing others' work helps us analyze our own. Happy creating, everyone!
The Custom Class Competition is back for its seventh iteration! With the success of the previous format, it has been decided to bring it all back for another round, with a couple of minor adjustments.
This is the Submission Thread! Submit your final work here!
This is a posting tutorial for the website imgur.com. If you use another website, the process will be similar.
It is recommended you use hearthcards.net to create your cards. Save the generated card to your device.
Upload the image to imgur.com. You do not need an account.
After your image is uploaded, many links will be generated. Find the "Direct link". It will have a .jpg or .png at the end of the link. Copy the link.
On your hearthpwn post, find the "Insert/edit image" button:
Paste the direct link. This is recommended but not mandatory: You may choose to make the image smaller by changing the image dimensions.
All contestants will create one custom class, following the layout of Demon Hunter.
There will be a total of 45 cards, down from 65+ cards from previous competitions.
All contestants will select a past expansion to simulate their class releasing, like how Demon Hunter was released during Ashes of Outland.
The contest will run for 4 weeks.
Week One: 10 Basic cards.
Week Two: 10 "Initiate" cards.
Week Three: The other 10 "Initiate" cards.
Week Four: 15 expansion cards.
"Initiate" means the supplemental 20 cards Blizzard printed for Demon Hunter. Yours do not have to be named Initiate set.
Like the previous contest, barring a large number of contestants, all participants will move forward with each passing week, the victor being the one who gets the most total votes.
Demon Hunter's Basic Set introduced cards with both Lifesteal and Rush, both keyword new to the Basic keyword pool. In addition, Rogue's Basic Set rework introduced Poisonous to the Basic set.
Your challenge is to have at least one Basic card with either Rush, Lifesteal or Poisonous.
Submission Format
You must adhere to the following rules or risk disqualification:
Unless otherwise stated, you are allowed three cards to showcase. All other cards must be hidden in a spoiler.
You may include flavour texts. For the showcase cards, their texts do not need to be spoilered.
You may include a single banner at the top of your submission post. It may not be overly fancy. This is entirely subjective and the moderators have the right to remove a banner they feel is too fancy and, therefore, gives an inherent advantage over other posts.
Golden cards are not allowed, nor are huge images that feature your cards with a background.
If you choose to include other images other than a banner, they must be hidden behind a spoiler.
How is the Initiate set split in half?
There are 8 commons, 6 rares, 4 epics, and 2 legionaries. That makes splitting the Initiate set in half rather easy.
For Weeks Two and Three, contestants will create 4 commons, 3 rares, 2 epics, and 1 legendary.
What expansions can I choose from?
You may select either Ashes of Outland, Scholomance Academy, or Darkmoon Faire.
Uh oh spaghettios, class cycles.
You must have at least one all-class cycle.All-class, in this context, means both a cycle shared between all 9 classes, or a cycle that the League of EVIL classes or Explorers classes share.
While, at first, it seems to make sense that your custom class should adhere to all all-class cycles in a given expansion, Demon Hunter did not have a Prime legendary, therefore you only need to use one such cycle.
To clarify, here are the all-class cycles you may choose from:
AoO: There is no cycle shared between all classes.
However, 9/10 classes have a Prime legendary and 9/10 classes have a Dormant minion.
Scholomance Academy: Dual-class cards.
Dual-class cards present a major logistics challenge. Depending on how many entries decide to choose this expansion as their starting point, the solution to this challenge will differ.
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire: One class Corrupt card (Rogue and Warrior have one, while Priest has three, all other classes have two)
What about card cycles not shared between all nine classes, like Studies spell cards, or Aspirant cards?
You may pick and choose from those.
What about Hero Cards?
I have decided to disallow Hero Cards. While I am aware Warlock came with Jaraxxus in their Classic set, I feel as though a new class receiving a massive power spike in the form of a Hero Card while other classes did not in that expansion will create an even worse problem DH did upon arrival.
Can I rename the "Initiate" set to whatever I want?
What watermarks do I use?
For the "Initiate" set, you can use whatever watermark you think makes the most sense.
Do I have to follow the rarity distribution of the Demon Hunter Initiate set?
You may not introduce a Legendary spell or Hero in the Initiate set as there are none in the current Demon Hunter example we've been given.
Do I need to adhere to Warcraft lore?
The short answer: no.
The long answer: Try your best to do so. Even if your Hero is not a character found in Warcraft, you can still achieve a general feel of Warcraftiness by using in-game place names and references. Put in the work and use some elbow grease. Do your research on WoWwiki.
Do I need class-exclusive keyword?
Can I do a Monk or Death Knight class?
Competition Process
Week 1: December 16th - December 23nd Week 2: December 24th - December 31st. Week 3: January 1st - January 8th Week 4: January 9th - January 16th
The Custom Class Competition is back for its seventh iteration! With the success of the previous format, it has been decided to bring it all back for another round, with a couple of minor adjustments.
This is the Discussion Thread! Ask for feedback, return the favour, ask questions, etc. here.
All contestants will create one custom class, following the layout of Demon Hunter.
There will be a total of 45 cards to be made.
All contestants will select one out of the three expansions for their custom class to arrive in-game: Ashes of Outland, Scholomance, and Darkmoon Faire. These are the three sets that came after the arrival of Demon Hunter.
The contest will run for 4 weeks.
Week One: 10 Basic cards.
Week Two: 10 "Initiate" cards.
Week Three: The other 10 "Initiate" cards.
Week Four: 15 expansion cards.
"Initiate" means the supplemental 20 cards Blizzard printed for Demon Hunter. Yours do not have to be named Initiate set.
Demon Hunter's Basic Set introduced cards with both Lifesteal and Rush, both keyword new to the Basic keyword pool. In addition, Rogue's Basic Set rework introduced Poisonous to the Basic set.
Your challenge is to have at least one Basic card with either Rush, Lifesteal or Poisonous.
Clarification:The list of Basic Set keywords is Battlecry, Taunt, Spell Damage, Windfury, Divine Shield, Charge, Rush, Lifesteal, Poisonous.
Submission Format
You must adhere to the following rules or risk disqualification:
Unless otherwise stated, you are allowed three cards to showcase. All other cards must be hidden in a spoiler.
You may include flavour texts. For the showcase cards, their texts do not need to be spoilered.
You may include a single banner at the top of your submission post. It may not be overly fancy. This is entirely subjective and the moderators have the right to remove a banner they feel is too fancy and, therefore, gives an inherent advantage over other posts.
Golden cards are not allowed, nor are huge images that feature your cards with a background.
If you choose to include other images other than a banner, they must be hidden behind a spoiler.
How is the Initiate set split in half?
There are 8 commons, 6 rares, 4 epics, and 2 legionaries. That makes splitting the Initiate set in half rather easy.
For Weeks Two and Three, contestants will create 4 commons, 3 rares, 2 epics, and 1 legendary.
What expansions can I choose from?
You may select either Ashes of Outland, Scholomance Academy, or Darkmoon Faire.
Uh oh spaghettios, class cycles.
You must have at least one all-class cycle.All-class, in this context, means both a cycle shared between all 9 classes, or a cycle that the League of EVIL classes or Explorers classes share.
While, at first, it seems to make sense that your custom class should adhere to all all-class cycles in a given expansion, Demon Hunter did not have a Prime legendary, therefore you only need to use one such cycle.
To clarify, here are the all-class cycles you may choose from:
AoO: There is no cycle shared between all classes.
However, 9/10 classes have a Prime legendary and 9/10 classes have a Dormant minion.
Scholomance Academy: Dual-class cards.
Dual-class cards present a major logistics challenge. Depending on how many entries decide to choose this expansion as their starting point, the solution to this challenge will differ.
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire: One class Corrupt card (Rogue and Warrior have one, while Priest has three, all other classes have two)
What about card cycles not shared between all nine classes, like Studies spell cards, or Aspirant cards?
You may pick and choose from those.
What about Hero Cards?
I have decided to disallow Hero Cards. While I am aware Warlock came with Jaraxxus in their Classic set, I feel as though a new class receiving a massive power spike in the form of a Hero Card while other classes did not in that expansion will create an even worse problem DH did upon arrival.
Can I rename the "Initiate" set to whatever I want?
What watermarks do I use?
For the "Initiate" set, you can use whatever watermark you think makes the most sense.
Do I have to follow the rarity distribution of the Demon Hunter Initiate set?
You may not introduce a Legendary spell or Hero in the Initiate set as there are none in the current Demon Hunter example we've been given.
Do I need to adhere to Warcraft lore?
The short answer: no.
The long answer: Try your best to do so. Even if your Hero is not a character found in Warcraft, you can still achieve a general feel of Warcraftiness by using in-game place names and references. Put in the work and use some elbow grease. Do your research on WoWwiki.
Do I need class-exclusive keyword?
Can I do a Monk or Death Knight class?
Competition Process
Week 1: December 16th - December 23nd Week 2: December 24th - December 31st. Week 3: January 1st - January 8th Week 4: January 9th - January 16th
This has been a known issue for years. (Though its happening more lately) Its a glitch that has something to do with currency exchanges to get around gambling laws in certain countries.
That's such an stupid answer, like I don't like the way OP says Shaman sucks, but this doesn't really add anything to any discussion.
It was more of a rant than a discussion. But it's like an ice cream shop with 10 different flavors of ice cream, yet you are complaining about the one you don't like. All I was saying is that there are other options. I wasn't trying to "answer" anything, as no questions were asked.
Okay, so I know that Kobold Stickyfinger may not be the best card, but wow it is so satisfying to steal their Boggspine Knuckles on turn 5 and watch them insta-concede. At garbage legend rank, 7 out my last 10 matches were against shaman, so i needed to tech in SOMETHING. How are YOU beating shaman?
You mentioned that you think my statement being misleading, but consider this: Basically ALL stats are misleading in some way or another. For instance, you show stats from ONE deck, across ALL levels of play, which obviously is by its nature misleading. It doesn't account for the skill of the opponent, for one. Im sure the played WR is much lower at legend rank than it does at say, bronze 8, for instance. Also, this doesn't account for playing it from a win-more position, where the outcome of the game was not changed, or tilted dudes who auto-concede when they see it drop. Just a thought. And although I respect your opinon, in my personal experience, I haven't had much of an issue with Tickatus beating me
As a side note, not everyone who has a different opinion than yours is naïve or ignorant. We just see it differently is all and thats cool.
This is my take on it. There has to be rules on how far you are allowed to destroy your opponents deck. But the core of the card stays the same
This is far too wordy and complicated to ever possibly be a viable option imo. Honestly, I expect they won't really touch it apart from maybe a mana increase but even that I'd doubt. Unless a future set gives it a viable home, this card probably will never change.
I agree with your take on the poster’s change, maybe a mouthful of prerequisites for this game... but IMO I think a 6 mana 8/8 with game wrecking perks is pretty over the top. It is sooo easy to corrupt.
Honest question... what has you thinking it won’t be nerfed? I mean it’s blatantly dumb I think... I’m fine with trying to give Warlock some love but good god man! I see some similarities with Mindrender Illecia, and they found that too OP and nerfed her... Tickatus is Mindrender on steroids. They made her 3 mana so you can’t wreck their entire hand. Now you can’t use her for a tech against Tackatus unless you want to burn 5 freakin cards. Hecklebot is not a consistent enough to make a difference that we’d call “balanced”. Could the issue really be that it’s always played with Y’shaarj???? I have yet to come across a Warlock deck with Tickatus WITHOUT Y’shaarj. Nobody plays it before it’s corrupted cause that’s just silly.
I'm just thinking once rhe novelty wears off, people won't be playing this card (exxept maybe in wild, which I dont care about and lets be honest, history shows neither does Blizzard). The deck has a mediocre winrate at best and when people get sick of playing a 45% deck, they'll move to something better. Not to mention I have won many games after Tickatus was played against.me. If this card was consistently deciding games, then it would be a priority but as it stands its just for the memes.
This is my take on it. There has to be rules on how far you are allowed to destroy your opponents deck. But the core of the card stays the same
This is far too wordy and complicated to ever possibly be a viable option imo. Honestly, I expect they won't really touch it apart from maybe a mana increase but even that I'd doubt. Unless a future set gives it a viable home, this card probably will never change.
Well, I have no idea what I'm doing here. I've created single card, but this is my first attempt at hero/class design, so I'll accept any ctricism you guys may have. My class is:
Basically, as you can probably tell, this class's identity revolves around drawing and shuffling cards. Not completely set on a direction for where to go from here, so I'm open to suggestions. I'll have more time tomorrow to leave some feedback for some of the other ideas on here, but generally I can say everyone is doing a great job so far!
Great question. I just asked the same one myself haha. If you notice, the classes that have a class keyword do NOT use them in the BASIC set. To follow that pattern, the new keyword cannot be used on a card in the basic set for phase 1. You may provide the tooltip for context about your class's identity, but again, it CANNOT be printed on a card in the basic set.
While you don't NEED to do so, it is a good idea, in order to give people a feel for the identity of your custom class. Just posting a bunch of cards, with no basis for the thought behind possible mechanics and strategies, makes it harder for other posters to give you meaningful, constructive feedback on your ideas. SO, I'd recommend it.
SIDE NOTE: It's also great to give others feedback, as analyzing others' work helps us analyze our own. Happy creating, everyone!
The Custom Class Competition is back for its seventh iteration! With the success of the previous format, it has been decided to bring it all back for another round, with a couple of minor adjustments.
This is the Submission Thread! Submit your final work here!
Do NOT ask for feedback here.
Here is the Discussion Thread.
Posting Tutorial
Submission Format
Competition Process
The Custom Class Competition is back for its seventh iteration! With the success of the previous format, it has been decided to bring it all back for another round, with a couple of minor adjustments.
This is the Discussion Thread! Ask for feedback, return the favour, ask questions, etc. here.
Do NOT post your submission here.
The Submission Thread is here.
Submission Format
Competition Process
This has been a known issue for years. (Though its happening more lately) Its a glitch that has something to do with currency exchanges to get around gambling laws in certain countries.
It was more of a rant than a discussion. But it's like an ice cream shop with 10 different flavors of ice cream, yet you are complaining about the one you don't like. All I was saying is that there are other options. I wasn't trying to "answer" anything, as no questions were asked.
Thank goodness there are 9 other classes to play
Okay, so I know that Kobold Stickyfinger may not be the best card, but wow it is so satisfying to steal their Boggspine Knuckles on turn 5 and watch them insta-concede. At garbage legend rank, 7 out my last 10 matches were against shaman, so i needed to tech in SOMETHING. How are YOU beating shaman?
I'd help out if there is interest also
You mentioned that you think my statement being misleading, but consider this: Basically ALL stats are misleading in some way or another. For instance, you show stats from ONE deck, across ALL levels of play, which obviously is by its nature misleading. It doesn't account for the skill of the opponent, for one. Im sure the played WR is much lower at legend rank than it does at say, bronze 8, for instance. Also, this doesn't account for playing it from a win-more position, where the outcome of the game was not changed, or tilted dudes who auto-concede when they see it drop. Just a thought. And although I respect your opinon, in my personal experience, I haven't had much of an issue with Tickatus beating me
As a side note, not everyone who has a different opinion than yours is naïve or ignorant. We just see it differently is all and thats cool.
I'm just thinking once rhe novelty wears off, people won't be playing this card (exxept maybe in wild, which I dont care about and lets be honest, history shows neither does Blizzard). The deck has a mediocre winrate at best and when people get sick of playing a 45% deck, they'll move to something better. Not to mention I have won many games after Tickatus was played against.me. If this card was consistently deciding games, then it would be a priority but as it stands its just for the memes.
This is far too wordy and complicated to ever possibly be a viable option imo. Honestly, I expect they won't really touch it apart from maybe a mana increase but even that I'd doubt. Unless a future set gives it a viable home, this card probably will never change.
Its getting too spicy in Flavortown
I think the solution is that even when corruped it should still remove 5 cards from your deck so:
Battlecry: Remove 5 cards from your deck
Corrupt: and your opponent's