Excited that the mighty Galvadon is paladin, not excited that a paladin gets beasts =P Hope his effect is as strong as Amara. And please give us some Deathrattle fun. Why should priests get it only?
That would be the first one ever. No current synergies of any kind, so probably this card is DOA. Somewhere deep in a forest hunter shouts but no-one can hear it.
Beast =/= needs beast synergy to work. I don't know why everyone is assuming this. Besides, Paladin is a good candidate for the menagerie deck.
It would be very cool if it were a minion with divine shield and the ability to gain divine shield at the end of your turn. So it has a divine shield, it hits something, the divine shield breaks, you click end turn, it gains divine shield again. It would have low health and it isn't unstoppable. It just forces your opponent to deal with it on their turn.
You can now discuss this card with it's Quest here: http://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/card-discussion/189021-new-paladin-quest-the-last-kaleidosaur
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Beast paladin PogChamp
The video mentioned 3 weeks. I wonder if the expansion release is in 3 weeks.
Beast Paladin incoming!
5 mana... wonder if all the quest rewards end up being 5 mana or it's just a coinsidence.
5 mana 8/8 set your opponent health to 1 deal 1 dmg
Galvadon: battlecry.... Doesnt matter. Will get hexed or polymorphed anyway.
It better be good and have some handbuff synergy. Or just be fucking good.
Excited that the mighty Galvadon is paladin, not excited that a paladin gets beasts =P Hope his effect is as strong as Amara. And please give us some Deathrattle fun. Why should priests get it only?
The best is always served at the end.
5 mana beasts for all classes as reward cards maybe?
Seems OP. 5 mana do nothing
Taz'dingo! Ye-e-es!
Rank last season: Legend rank 5477
Now for real: this card is unplayable, since pirate warrior killed you already on turn 5.
If all these quests do is to summon a minion (which HS has enough already) I think it's gonna be pretty boring tbh :(
They don't summon a minion. They put a huge, flashy, OP legendary minion into your hand.
Blog || Custom Cards ||Death Knight Class
Blog || Custom Cards ||Death Knight Class
<wbr />5 mana blank card, must be paladin
Blog || Custom Cards ||Death Knight Class
It would be very cool if it were a minion with divine shield and the ability to gain divine shield at the end of your turn. So it has a divine shield, it hits something, the divine shield breaks, you click end turn, it gains divine shield again. It would have low health and it isn't unstoppable. It just forces your opponent to deal with it on their turn.
Menagerie Paladin incoming
Nature is the Day.
Man is the Sun.
Woman is the Moon.
The Stone is the Sky.
The Art is the Way.