Earth Shock
Card Text
Silence a minion, then deal 1 damage to it.
Flavor Text
Earth Shock? Shouldn't it be "Azeroth Shock"?
Silence a minion, then deal 1 damage to it.
Earth Shock? Shouldn't it be "Azeroth Shock"?
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The "I hate Earth Shock" team:
Twilight Summoner, Faceless Shambler, twilight drake, Webspinner, Haunted creeper, Leper Gnome, Nerubian Egg, Twilight Whelp, Argent Squire, Tirion Fording, Anub'arak
Plus Natalie Seline now.
So underrated.
I'm still not sure how to feel about Earth Shock. On turn 1 it's great removal against aggro nonsense, but late game I often find myself wishing it were an owl instead. Some games it just sits in my hand and I wish it were another card altogether. It feels good situationally, but most of the time the silence and damage don't synergise in the least. I'm curious to know if the card would still be a big deal if the meta weren't so aggressive right now.
Best Silence card in the game.. too bad Shaman as a whole is struggling so much right now.
how the times have changed, purify is soo op
Fresh from Whispers of The Old Gods, Twilight Summoner joins the team!
Also add Lynessa Sunsorrow as the biggest win/disappointment!
Probably the spell that gains the most value from Spell Damage, since it can take out Mad Scientists and Annoy-o-Trons and such with one mana.
But that feel when you take out a 4/10 Twilight Drake for 1 mana Kreygasm
i know that feel bro i know that feel 4Head
I would greatly disagree with that. Is a silence plus 2 damage some really clean single target removal? Yes. Does it beat turning Fan of Knives into a cycling consecrate for 3 mana? Aw hecky naw.
see also Crackle
do you like golden animation
Text is a bit of misleading, because Silence resolves before the damage.