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This and Crushing Hand is a great way to upgrade lesser sapphire spellstone.
A shame not even this played earlygame is enough to defend against face hunter...
my shield for taz'dingo!
Blizzards new mechanic : Over-overload.
This card makes a tiny bit more sense now that we've seen the new Snowfury Giant. Definitely going to try an Overload Giant Windfury Shaman!
Okay, this does not deserve to have the same overload cost as Earth Elemental because hard removal on turn 4 is pretty plentiful.
I wish this had one more attack or one less overload. In no world is this worth running over tar creeper.
Whilst its not a bad card. As long as shadow word pain exists playing this will set you so far back that it could basically lose you the game. There are better slotted 3 drops shaman will always have as oppose to this with less draw back. Unless they decide to revisit and redevelop the core set which they have removed several cards from and i personally would love to see this card just isnt good enough to be playable. Its borderline dust outside arena.
God I hope he says "Death does not scare me" like Deathlord, but in that Jamaican-troll voice :D
Overload 3? So we are getting a Deathlord who is argubably worse than a Deathlord because it has a more likely probability of losing you most of your tempo on the following turn.
Ancient of Blossoms = 6m for a 3/8 with Taunt.
Lakkari Felhound = 4m for a 3/8 with Taunt that discards two cards from your hand.
Tar Lurker = 5m for a 1/7 Taunt that has +3 attack during your opponents turn (4/7).
Sunkeeper Tarim = 6m 3/7 with Taunt that sets all other minions attack and health to 3.
Voodoo Hexxer = 5m for a 2/7 with Taunt that freezes any enemy damaged by it. (SAME EXPANSION AND CLASS WTF)
BLIZZARD! You got some explaining to do. Because Overload 3 means I am basically paying 6m over two turns for a 2/8 taunt. When really, if we are being fair this would have Overload 2. If we were being very generous, it would be Overload 1.
Shamen is paying its dues for the freak of nature 4 (+2overload) 7/7 bullshit that they got.
That actually doesn't make sense.
"Because they got a really strong card a long while ago, that means that future overload cards have to be shit in return."
That is your logic correct?
But really its "Because of a single card, all Standard cards with Overload must as a result suffer pointlessly".
Agreed. This card is STUPIDLY overcosted. It's the flip side of the 4+2 mana 7/7 dream; this card sucks so terribly it gets Kodo'd, Cabal SP'd, SW Pain, and many other removals straight to it. Overload 2 at the least would be required to make this playable anti aggro, when you can just play Spikeridged beast (the 4 drop, not the deathrattle spell). You are absolutely correct, as this is a class card, it should be overload 1, even if it had to take a major stats reduction to 2/5. A low attack minion with no board impact is a terrible card for any class, even Taunt Shaman (RIP enhancement tank spec).
Friggin BS from blizzard, no wonder they can't balance shaman properly when they give such terrible cards. I think they are scared of doing any more overload synergy and are determined to make the card suck.
It's Lakkari Felhound with perhaps an even worse downside, if you play this at turn 3, you can't play any card afterwards with the exception of that if you have the Coin, then maybe you can use Eternal Sentinel and get rid of the overload.
It's great against Aggro decks but to my opinion in the least, the Hot Spring Guardian is better since healing for shaman is useful due to the general lack of sustain for shaman can be problematic.
Great way to protect Tunnel Trogg in Wild.
This card costs too much, I could see it being used if it had either one less overload or costed on less mana, but as is it's pretty bad.
Another 2 attack minion for priest to steal, yeah nice job.
7/8 Taunt Elemental for (8) total mana, maybe. 2/8 Taunt for (6) total mana, screw that.
3 overload is really really bad, experience from earth elemental. A 2-8 just isnt good enough to justify it.