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Well at least Warrior got one good card...
You're ironical, aren't you?
Mostly, yeah, my real worry is - Priest got good cards. Control Warrior has always struggled against Priest. I worry that CW will continue to not be a thing because of how good Priest is.
My answer is: The Darkness.
You think that'll work as anti-Priest tech?
I think it's worth trying in control decks. Time will tell if it's good enough.
reminds me of this...
But you need to kill this to get it
No, you let your opponent be the cruel dealer of unjust cute baby dino murder!
Quest decks. Control decks. Midrange decks. It fits in all of warrior archetypes! :)
/sarcasm mode on No aggro? Such a shame... /sarcasm mode off
hey Ironwood Golem, what are you doing in warrior?
Would be better if it was a 4/9...
One word: OP!
Amazing minion great on 6 and good when recruited.
The new Dr. 6!
The other 6-drop Warrior is getting is fantastic as well. Is Warrior becoming a turn-6 powerhouse class?
Great card. Even great in arena since you don't even really need to attack with it.
Oversized nesting rock, Stat line I think is Just/bearly good enough in constructed but at the end of the day I think it is good enough.
Sure looks a lot better than hungry ettin as a 4/10 but summons a 2 drop for your opponent, I think that card should be a death rattle effect, makes the card more playable and better fits the theme. Like you kill it and the half-digested two drop pops out of it or something.
Aggro decks can't not kill it. Control decks can't keep the armor cleared. What downside again?