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I tried using the immunity on a minion that had been targeted by Voodoo Doll. I then attacked Voodoo Doll with that minion. The minion died. So it doesn't make them immune to the Voodoo Doll destroy mechanic.
It's just mind-blowing how superior to Stablemaster this card is...
one of the best arena cards in this expansion.
giant sea worm is going to be a monster in wild when combo with this card.[even worse if thundra rhino is in the field]
This and Keening Banshee is crazy good in Arena.
Hysteria, relogin please
what happens if you use this on a minion whith po or just try to sacrifice him? i need to test so many weird things on this expansion lol
windfury suddenly becomes great . . .
WOW! Makes almost every deck that plays early minions and fights for board control better! Especially in a mirror or similar play style match up. One of the more powerful cards we've seen so far IMO.
Looks like nerubians decided to do some stuff this expansion.
Immune means your minion can't die, so you can abuse it multiple times in a turn. It is different from Divine Shield which can only protect it once.
This card requires some set up, but has a lot of value.
V-07-TR-0N would like this, together with flipping the stats...
Yeah pull that combo and all you get is a very expensive board clear (assuming you clear your whole opponents board).
If you have a 8/4 megawindfury that will die on your oppponent next turn (lets be realistic here) is much easier to just hit face for 32 damage. Only some warriors or druids can take that hit.
Well it was a joke, because that guy only works in not even top deck in Wild =)
But if you look at Kripp playing this guy in Quest Mage deck, he often has a problem that it dies while trying to go through taunt even though with stat flip and Molten Reflection he should theoretically do 64 damage, if there are taunt minions in the way it becomes a problem, so that was the idea.
Like you say "go face" for 32 damage. Smorc is good of course, but "if face place taunt I still go face" doesn't work...
I like that it's 2/4 for 3 mana, most powerful effects would have it have like 2/3, with this card, you get a slightly lower 3 mana value for perhaps some 2 mana minion trading, giving you board control and advantage
This is going to be great in arena. Its (kind of) like Kabal Talonpriest in that it allows your 2 drop to survive a trade on curve, but just makes it more situational. In that way its also like Argent Protector. Definitely not as good as either of them in most cases, but a great tempo card nonetheless
"What? I can't hear your comments over the sound of my Invinsible Sandworm!"
Except one is wild and the other is one of the worst cards in the game. At least this one gets a decent body.
I only just realized that Giant Sand Worm might even be a decent card now. It is a massive minion that can come back with bowman even if it doesn't manage to impact much the first time you play it. Unlikely maybe? but it's a thought.