Twilight Whelp
Card Text
Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, gain +2 Health.
Flavor Text
The twilight whelps are basically magic-vampires. Despite this, they are not a reference to any popular series of novels.
Card Sounds
Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, gain +2 Health.
The twilight whelps are basically magic-vampires. Despite this, they are not a reference to any popular series of novels.
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Gold version is most powerful card in game.
Whatever he's doing with his eyes is unnerving.
It will surely break your opponents will to fight.
Though I've had times where this little dude came out as a 2/1, It doesn't even come close to the turns I've had a 2/5 (With power-word shield+coin) On turn 1, The best part about this card is it gives a solid body+Tempo in a dragon deck, but just another card you can save for an activator for other cards later on, Dunno.. This guy brings a lot to the one drop for priest in my eyes.
Okay, so Zombie chow is this guy but a little different and better/worse at times. But that is besides the point. With this guy you can have the redundancy of running 4 1-mana 2/3's. All you need to do is play dragons. And there are already a couple of dragons that fit very well in priest, like the azure drake. There are plenty of reasonable dragons to consider this little guy in your deck.
One thing to keep in mind though: you need to heavily commit to dragons to consider this. If you open with the whelp in your hand, the odds of mulliganing into a dragon is slightly less than a third of the time if you are running 8 dragons and you are on the play.
No actually the probability is about 54% to get them (opening hand + mulligan) if you have 8 dragons in your deck.
Normally a CONSTRUCT priest deck never employs Azure Drake or Faerie Dragon, but Twilight Drake used to be popular if one didn't run Injured Blademaster. And the proper Dragons cost at least 4 each, all too big to maneuver.
For this little one, if you don't have another Dragon in hand, you can still just wait until you draw one, or keep it to activate the corruptor. Priest need the Dragon combo to thrive.
Love it, priest have access to Power Word: shield they could potentially keep this alive into the later turns while it helps you with small minions and when they finally remove it it doesn't heal their hero.
And it's so cute too.
It's a battlecry, so if this is the only dragon in your hand, then play this minion, battlecry trigger and check if you have a dragon (this minion is already in the board), then you have a 2/1 dragon because no other dragon is in your hand, easy.
So a downside-less zombie chow that only works in dragon decks.
Zombie Chow is always better than this. Remember Auchenai?
I always seem to get Ysera in my opening hand, so this is alright.
Add twilight and azure drakes to control priest, and put this guy to replace chows.
Only question is, do the dragon cards fit in control priest?
Anti-synergy with the other BRM Priest card though :(
Good, Priest needed a 1-drop, Priestess just has too many things that can kill her on turn 1 unless you coin her out with Power Word: Shield too. Although Priest was the one class Zombie Chow could really shine in if combined with Soul Priestess, so I'm not sure which I'd cut. I don't think I'd ever stop using Soul Priestess.
Well there's always Shadowboxer, hes an ok 2 Drop.
Wish granted.
Hungry Dragon, Twilight Drake, Azure Drake... dragon midrange Priest, anyone?
Wow, I forgot about Dragonkin Sorcerer. This might actually be a deck to beat.
I've been thinking that Blackwing Corruptor is a card that will make midrange dragon priest an option over other priest decks as it gives them a more reliable/tempo way of dealing 3 damage, the little cutie on this page helps by possibly eliminating the need for Zombie Chow in the deck.
Super excited to see how everything pans out.
so cute it looks like a little cat with wings.
Hate Aggro? Play Priest with 4 Zombie Chow :D