- In the case of a minion being played for a discounted cost, Effigy spawns a minion equal to the original cost of the minion. (Source)
Secret: When a friendly minion dies, summon a random minion with the same Cost.
Burning man, brah.
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Effigy and Spellbender have to be some of my favorite secrets in the game. Spellbender is so flexible and they never expect it. They check for counterspell with something that doesnt affect the board to then get screwed, really good against paladins and priests :D Effigy is also never expected and if you have a big card out lets say 8 cost you get insane value, especially if they are forced to kill it.
definitely one of my favourite cards
So am I dumb...or do I not understand how this works? My opponent plays mad scientist, apprentice then mirror turn he unstables gets a bomb lobber. Trades apprentice dies, mad scientist and lobber 1 health. I holy nova...mad scientist dies brings out effigy, effigy triggers on lobber????? Shouldn't it have triggered on the mirror images since they were played first?
Maybe he played the Mad Scientist after playing Mirror Image? Then Mirror Images die ->Scientist dies ->Effigy comes in play->Bomb Lobber dies->Effigy triggers on Bomb Lobber.
Starting to love this card after two recent games.
1: Archmage Antonidas + Effigy, Antonidas dies, Effigy summons... Antonidas!
2: Rhonin and Force-Tank MAX up, the tank dies, Effigy summons... another Rhonin!
Then next turn I play Malygos, opponent can't kill it, I sacrifice a Rhonin and fire off 32 Arcane Missiles, killing off everything his side including the hero. Oh man what a feeling.
Sometimes I swing one of my minions into another enemy minion, both dies but Effigy doesn't trigger. Help....
your secrets only trigger on your opponents turn (since closed beta +2years)
Wrong. Eye for an Eye and Competitive Spirit can be triggered on your turn.
recent unstable portaled into a sneeds, effigy, he kills sneed and I get a kel'thuzad into sneed back plus free legendary. This and unstable portal are amazing!
Liking this better than mirror entity. Your opponent can play around Mirror Entity but not this, whereas mirror entity is so infamous that everyone ever plays around it.
Mad Scientist dies => Effingy is put on the battlefield. Does Effigy also trigger with the Mad Scientist's death?
Got this card in foil form today, so happy! It makes golden minions, first minion burned and resurrected? Azure Drake into Sludge Belcher, this card is amazing!
It makes golden minions anyway.
That's because a bug affects both Effigy and Mulch from the last patch for some unknown reason and it generates golden minions even if the base cards (target/spell itself) were normal ones
yeah, I recently got a golden summoning portal in arena, from effigy triggering on a piloted shredder
My favorite scenario with this card so far...
Playing against Dragon Priest. He puts down Chillmaw.
I put down Dr. Boom with Effigy up.
(yes, I know bad move since the Boom Bots could trigger it, but is there ever a bad time to Boom)?
He hits Boom for 2 damage with Holy Smite and then trades with Chillmaw. The Boom Bots go off and then Effigy replaces my Boom with...
Unfortunately I didn't have dragon in hand, but he eventually conceded anyway :)
Yes there is ever a bad time for Boom. For example, when you have effigy or your opponent has mirror entity.
This card is soooo good! You play early your low mana minions including the mad scientists, trade them into opponent's board and than comes turn 5+ where start dropping tose sludge belchers and other 5+ mana minions. And the value is incredible! So far is one of my favorite Mage cards from TGT
Terrific card, and it can just be used immediately in pre-existing decks without having to come up with completely new ones...
Very useful especially when you have a high mana minion and a cheap one. The opponent will have the dilemma of whether:
(a) to kill the expensive one and get rid of it, only to have another big guy coming, or almost always
(b) to kill the cheap one to avoid summoning a high mana creature, but leaving the big guy second. And this would mean that (1) his removal resources will be limited on that particular turn to take care of the big guy then, (2) the big guy might stay alive for another turn and thus create a lot of problems...
Also terrific when steering the opponent into killing good deathrattle summoning minions like Piloted Shredder, Harvest Golem or even Piloted Sky Golem.