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    posted a message on Shadowcaster

    to dampen your expectations...I don't think that Standard mill rogue will be a thing with healbot and deathlord gone.

    It's already a pretty weak deck and without healing and taunts it seems really easy tojust take advantage of and rush down.

    Will happen in control or combo rogue decks tho...too good not to.

    If Prep doesn't get nerfed we even might see thistle tea get played in the same deck as this to maximize value

     True Antique Healbot and Deathlord are rotating out but many other factors will contribute to the potential rise of mill rogue.
    Firstly while we don't know all of the cards, with death rattle minons and high value tempo cards from GvG and Naxx rotating out in addition to slowing the game down, base stat minions become rather good to play again making Earthen Ring Farseer and the TGT unsung hero Refreshment Vendor replacement heal cards for the slower meta.
    Secondly, if a control meta ensues with decks revolving around the slow completion of say... C'Thun you will be milling out much slower hand heavy decks. In a control meta mill decks run over the slower greedier kind. Particularly brutal against warrior and other forcefully slow classes, milling out C'Thun in a C'Thun deck removes their win condition and pretty much assures a win.
    We'll have to see all the remaining cards to know for sure but it appears the Meta will be slowing quite a bit if any of the new cards in standard and loss of GvG/Naxx cripple aggressive tempo decks.
    Posted in: Shadowcaster
  • 4

    posted a message on Shadowcaster

    Wow this card has potential, I absolutely love the design and the fact that as an epic you can run 2 in the deck (unless you decide to use it for it's Reno Jackson synergy) Unique legendaries with battlecry effects work well. Works utterly phenomenally well with Brann Bronzebeard (make 2 more Branns!!!!) and works well with Coldlight Oracle as with both they can be played in unison on turn 8. A staple for Mill rogue, it also augments Combo cards and other control cards (some for the same mill deck) being SI:7 Agent and Dark Iron Skulker. Great synergy with Xaril, Poisoned Mind. Phenominal Card to Gang Up in a mill rogue deck should you be unable to keep a coldlight in it's place.

    A 4/4 for 5 mana is also nothing to scoff at. You do sacrifice tempo but it's really a decent body with just endless potential as it works with any battlecry minion, deathrattle minion, spell damage minion, combo minion or end of turn minion. Since rogue has Conceal you can make those minions survive even at later mana turns such as Ragnaros the Firelord. Special mention to Azure Drake for both being a draw minion and a spell damage minon.

    Other random synergies include a concealed Malygos finisher making your sinsiter strikes deal 13 damage each when you have 4 free floating mana to finish your opponent off.

    It's millin time boys! This is easily one of my favorite cards of the set!

    Posted in: Shadowcaster
  • 0

    posted a message on Has there been a single Discover card revealed?

    With C'Thun around this is probably the best time ever to implement Joust but with more consistent effects or a card like the one from the design competition that when in your hand will be revealed instead. With all these 10 mana minions you think they might retry a failed mechanic. If it's anything like mech support we'll likely see perhaps a single Discover card just so we don't forget the mechanic.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on Embrace the Shadow

    Posted in: Embrace the Shadow
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    posted a message on Least Favorite Mechanic

    Joust in theory is OK but it should either do the top card of your deck's mana cost like MTG or some reliable way to construct your deck to achieve this (such as average minion cost or each player discovers a minion form their deck for the joust). Also as of right now only 2 or 3 cards with the joust effect are even worth using, mainly Healing Wave and Tuskarr Jouster since the joust effect is way above the curve making the risk worth it and the base effect being decent (losing a joust with Master Jouster and Armored Warhorse are utterly crippling).

    Joust should be it's own text mechanic for clashing cards (top deck card please) rather than convoluted battlecries and joust should also interact in different ways, mainly Joust is just the act of comparing 2 cards from each deck (or top of deck) with the effect of the joust dictated sometimes by having the higher cost card and sometimes the lower cost card. Aggro cards getting +1 attack if your joust card costs lower mana would be a great way to utilize the mechanic or having yeti like class cards 4 mana 4/5s with a joust that gets an effect if you tie the joust. Not always having the higher mana cost.

    Silence while itself is generally not a fun mechanic, I like it for it's pseudo removal effect and counter playable. The problem isn't silence itself, if Spellbreaker were the primary card silence of the game no one would be too angry about it as you pay a large costs for a bad body and the effect is tied to a 4 mana cost minion with no tribe.

    The problem with silence is Ironbeak Owl as an omni present silence at 2 mana with 1 mana stat reductions with a back breakign effect. The card is also a beast granting many synergy options (even to all classes via cards such as Tomb Spider). Silence is basically a neutral "removal" effect removing the effects of card and owl doesn't follow the rules of having a strong effect match it's cost. Spending 4 or 5 mana to silence Tirion is fine but 2 mana lets you swing the tempo of the game vastly to fast. At 3 mana owl would be acceptable or perhaps changed to 4 mana with a new stat line similar to Starving Buzzard changes with Spellbreaker moved to 5 mana would make the silence mechanic in check. Conditional silencing would also be a good option such as owl silences a 4 drop and below while spell breaker silences a 5 drop or above making you strategically tech the card in, not auto include it as a do all tool.

    Keeper of the Grove also follows the owl pattern of being too good and flexible for it's mana cost but as a class card but as an auto include I predict Blizzard will reevaluate the auto include of Keeper in druid when they change much of classic druid.Earth Shock is a low impact class card and not tied to a body so it gets some leniency .

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on WOG support cards

    So far we haven't seen all of the WOG card reveals but plenty of cards are being scorned atm. In particularly I'm talking about Tentacles for Arms but other cards on the fence of viability considered pretty garbage atm include Giant Sand Worm,Validated Doomsayer or Faceless Shambler. I'm hoping the entirety of the reveal will offer support cards to completely alter our perception of card viability.

    For Tentacles for Arms to see play and be prized as a warrior card I hope WOG have yet to reveal a card that discovers a weapon. In the control mirror having the option to generally retrieve the infinite value weapon with the flexibility of a fiery war axe for aggro would make it see play. A weapon discover card would also add viability to situation weapons such as Charged Hammer or Gladiator's Longbow which are often seen as a viability in many match ups. Here's my attempt to crack at what a WOG corrupted version of Spiteful Smith might look like.

    Giant Sand Worm another critiqued card would probably either need a support card to enable it being played with Tundra Rhino or an alternate way to gain Icehowl's effect as a pseudo board clear.

    Faceless Shambler strictly needs more under costed high stat minions with draw back effects such as can't attack, lose health or give your opponent something.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is Whispers Canon?

    Yes Ragnaros is good now and hogger is a raid boss. Expect the next wow patch to reflect the Canon change.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on WoG Priest Combo

    Faceless Manipulator is likely better since it's for all classes, costs 5 mana and you can run 2 in your deck. Although for a priest deck running Volazj in addition to 2 faceless and an emperor to enable combing it might work. It's nice to get an extra 5/5 body but you pay an extra mana for it and it's class specific.

    I think you're better off using Conceal with rogue or Ancestral Spirit with shaman to insure the base minion even survives. Granted priest has self sustain to get to turn 9 I just can't imagine priest being able to skip a turn on 9 and survive to set up the combo against anything but a control mirror where control classes use hard removal for this.

    I could see priest using faceless + Volazj against this card on the same turn with an emperor for a counter 30/30 with a 5/5 but that's trollden status.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 3

    posted a message on Cabalist's Tome

    A great card to fill the gap lost with Duplicate and Echo of Medivh for fatigue mage (especially the ones using Reno Jackson). Mix this with Ethereal Conjurer and in the control mirror mage has a way to get more draw less card advantage. Seeing as mage spells are generally great it's nearly almost as good as Nourish for druids since you prefer spells usually.

    It might see a single copy possibly for freeze mage but I have my doubts as it is rather slow and home to grinder mage. I wouldn't hold your breath either for tempo mage since it's way too slow unless its used as a substitute for a finisher card or a single one of when teched vs warrior or slower classes.

    If other deck archetypes open up such as say dragon mage this card might be too slow for dragon mage and really new grinder formats of mage will likely be the best candidates to use this card generally.

    Posted in: Cabalist's Tome
  • 0

    posted a message on Scaled Nightmare

    Pretty much confirms a nerf to Master of Disguise since shade was bad enough with a small growth. Imagine an 8 health minion that double's it's attack to the point of 1 shotting people on it's own. (you can also cold blood it or use dire wolf to speed it up along with emperor for a turn 8 Nightmare Dragon+ Master of Disguise + Cold Blood).

    Most classes don't have a way to deal with in standard (Lightbomb) and often require specific combo cards like Equality

    Posted in: Scaled Nightmare
  • 27

    posted a message on Steward of Darkshire



    Posted in: Steward of Darkshire
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    posted a message on The "called it" thread!

    Tentacles for Arms Will be a tech card in a fatigue control meta game for warrior. It's not a good card I agree but people calling it worse than The Bogey Monster or the worst card of the set with 0% chance of being played makes me doubt that. It'll see fringe play at least in my humble opinion as it just below average with a very specific niche to fill.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Where are all the Inspire Cards?

    I hope they include a new inspire card I liked the mechanic, it was just previously costed way too expensively perhaps putting it on low attack minions such as tournament medic might help. It has a lot of potential and the closest thing to a tap like mechanic form MTG which they could introduce as well. I think I'm just as concern there is no discover mechanic.

    Also on a side note to the majority of this particular thread:

    Sherman probably reported the thread already so it's flag as a duplicate I imagine when the mods wake up tomorrow the thread will be merged as it is sort of a similar thread. I bet he's a nice guy but he tends to been a stickler for the rules and follows people around a lot. He's followed quite a few of my own posts Idk I mean no offense to the guy he tries to keep order here but he hates my fucking face for some reason :/. I really like his avatar picture and signature picture I just wish he would stop yelling at me :(. He does have 1700+ posts so his feed back is probably taken into heavy consideration. I mean technically I'm breaking the rules bringing up this in the first place to point out he is breaking the rules as "Discussing Moderator Based Actions" is prohibited thus both myself and him are breaking the rules.

    I'm sort of puzzled on the exact interpretation of the forum rules, you can't necro thread old threads back to life but you can't duplicate or make a similar thread. So I assume after a set amount of time you shouldn't talk about a certain subject. Based on your interpretation of what qualifies as a new subject to a certain degree you could argue there's only so many new topics to even discuss. Technically the Meta discussion threads and new card impact threads shouldn't be posted atm as threads discussing new cards effecting the Meta game came out when Naxx was announced so we should be using the very same threads to discuss potential new card impact on the current Meta. But going through a thread that has over 200 pages would be a nightmare to even find relevant information, just look at the blow off steam thread. You'd be hard pressed to pin point a specific date in that thread since it's so large and long living.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Tentacles for Arms
    Quote from Skarmoth >>

    I have absolutely no idea why anyone would put this in a deck, even fatigue ones.  "2 dmg every turn!" Why not just put in Arcanite Reaper? 10 dmg over 5 turns costing fifteen mana vs. 10 dmg over turns costing five.   Not to mention Arcanite can actually kill 5-drops.  Even if the effect gave it a discount when returning it to your hand, it'd probably still suck because of its stats. 

     There's a similar debate comparing Charged Hammer to Doomhammer even though DH is slightly more expensive it's about spreading out instances of damage over long periods of times over multiple enemy cards vs raw damage value. While having a higher reach is more impactful, the face damage value is not the important aspect of the card but using it multiple times to clean up multiple weakened cards. Arcanite Reaper only allows 2 instances per it's damage making it considerably weaker against divine shields and small minions. While yes technically in the long run Tentacles for Arms will out damage Reaper after 6 turns, it's function to gain card advantage, avoid weapon removal, bring value into fatigue and get better value out of weapon synergy is what makes it worth bringing. That said you are right, on the surface you get 3 extra reach and 6 extra damage (generally face damage) over the tentacle in a small time frame. Think of all the instances you fire ball a 4 health creature or war axe an X/1 creature, when you use this weapon as a ping it's clearly offering more card value in exchange for lesser quality.
    Another case to be made is with the absence of Death's Bite from standard (as well as Shieldmaiden leaving standard), warriors just might run 2 reapers in place for weapon removal needing to perhaps drop Gorehowl as it's pretty slow or prefer to run an addtional weapon for value. If you're already running 2 copies of reaper to replace the slow 5/6 drops that DB and maiden used to fulfill you can't add a 3rd reaper so a single copy of Tentacles for Arms might be worth the consideration.
    Perhaps not a compelling reason to bring this card, but more thought has to be put into this card  than "can never be played period". It still has niche potential.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Tentacles for Arms

    Tentacles for Arms Is an intriguing card to say the least. While not exactly phenomenal on it's own I can still see this card having a 1 of value in fatigue decks, especially considering decks entertaining the possibility of running Elise as their win condition. For this analysis we'll have to look at similar functioning cards Charged Hammer Poisoned Blade Argent Lance and Dreadsteed (to a lesser degree The Skeleton Knight also). Keep in mind of all the value based cards with inefficient mana costs warrior with a life gaining hero power and card pool along with missing slots for mana cost cards is one of the best classes to have the flexibility to incorporate this card.

    Juxtaposed with it's closest cousin in terms of effect, cost and design is Charged Hammer . CH costs 1 less mana for a 2/4 weapon with the promise to promote your hero power from a poor summon a 0/2 totem to a 2 mana Holy Smite . Warrior in this case pays 1 extra mana up front for a 2/2 but is technically similar in efficiency in the long run while still retaining a life gaining hero power. CH Spends 4 mana initially for the 8 damage with an addition 2 mana per instance of 2 damage giving you a a slightly better deal depending on game length than 2 mana per damage (generally 1.X mana per damage) where you always pay a static 2.5 mana per instance of 2 damage for Tentacles. Pros of tentacles offer you better value if your weapon is destroyed vs Charged hammer and the option to use a superior hero power while the cons are mana inefficiency, face damage after the weapon break and the inability for a 4 damage turn during the break. Noteworthy is that Tentacles offers less draw from Harrison Jones weapon breaks and Warrior as a class being just better suited for a full control play style with a life gaining hero power, a guaranteed board clear and lots of pure single target removal (even execute benefits from having a ping ability) however that doesn't discredit charged hammer from allowing shaman to have a similar like control style. 

    Comparing this weapon to Poisoned Blade make it look quite stellar. paying 4 initially for 3 total damage you have to invest 6 mana to even get decent milage out of a 2/3 weapon which is more mana than tentacle. Additional turns, loss of your hero power access and essentially summoning a 0/0 autobarber becomes mandatory to make this card work. While you may dislike tentacle it's in my honest opinion this card offer far more value and flexability with the only advantage to poison blade being potential burst over extended build up periods but being weaker in initial strength, potential value and weapon destruction.

    This card is essentially an Argent Lance with no joust considered as the effect is inconsistent. The price for unlimited usage is 3 mana. Quite a hefty price as you are paying 2.5 the card cost per additional use but you give an armor class access to a 2 damage ping. It's also worth noting while mentioning joust and diverting to dreadsteed is that The Skeleton Knight is worse than Tentacle arms. You pay 6 for that card, it lacks haste for immediate effect, only has 4 health so is easily disposed and has an inconsistent return effect that wouldn't work into fatigue despite having 7 attack (a curse vs BGH also). You essentially get a creature that states: 5 mana - 2/~30, haste, returns to your hand after 2 attacks, you cannot equip a weapon, cannot be removed.

    Dreadsteed is a rough comparison even though it generally has better synergy. Another incredibly high costed card giving a 1/1 without haste for 4 mana vs a 2/2 haste for 5 mana however the additional mana needed to get full value from Tentacle arms is a draw back. Synergy from cards such as Orgrimmar Aspirant Spiteful Smith and any other future card Blizzard prints altering weapon attack gives similar synergy options for warrior. Like warlock, warrior as a class has the tools and hero power to stall and utilize this weapon.

    In conclusion this card while nothing stellar has quite a few advantages making it worth running a single copy for fatigue decks. Pros include: Infinite value, a 5 drop play that is guaranteed to stick, a threat in control match ups (like a flexible hunter's hero power) and weapon buff synergy with cards such as spiteful smith. Cons include a hefty cost per damage out put, card slot for important other draw or removal cards and clogging the weapon slot in a weapon bloated class. Has heavy strength in Full fatigue decks but not efficient enough to be used in face decks as repeatable damage. Factoring the power reduction coming with standard might provide enough of an edge in a slow format for this card to be very worth the value oriented investment. As for aesthetics in terms of art, fun feeling and thematic approach this card delivers as much as charged hammer does and is quite amazing on that front.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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