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Deepak's 75% winrate Aggro-Taunt Druid

  • Last updated Nov 26, 2017 (Marin's Treasure)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Aggro Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 4140
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/25/2017 (Marin's Treasure)
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Went from rank 10 to rank 5 in 2 hours! Really amazing deck! 39-13 atm (75% winrate). Will upload the strategies and muligan guide after getting at least 10 upvotes!

EDIT: Thanks for the upvotes!

Muligan and Strategies:

General: you always need to keep Mark of the Lotus in your opening hand. Always keep 1 drops. Muligan any and every card which costs 3+ mana, and Patches of course! also muligan Power of the Wild until you have Fire Fly and/or Bloodsail Corsair. All you need to do is have an early board control and then play taunt minions (specially against aggro decks like Temp Rogue, Murloc paladin, and Midrange Hunter), buff your minions and try to finish the game as soon as possible. Following is the muligan strategies against every class.

Priest: Priest is a very power full class against this deck. They have a lot of board clears which you need to play around. You need to win before turn 6 Dragonfire Potion. Keep 1 drop in you opening hand, specially Fire Fly and Bloodsail Corsair. Keep Mark of the Lotus. Also keep Power of the Wild if you have coin.
    Try to keep you minions at 3 attack or higher on turn 3, in order to play around Shadow Word: Horror. Play cards like Tar Creeper over card like Crypt Lord, or buff you existing board to 3+ attack. Don't go all in on turn 4, since priest can clear board using Pint-Size Potion and Shadow Word: Horror. Try to play Soul of the Forest on turn 4 if you have more than 3 minions on board.
    If priest does no clear your board on turn four or five, play some of you card, NOT ALL, in order to play around Dragonfire Potion. If you have taunts on board try to buff them over 5 health using Strongshell ScavengerMark of the Lotus, and Power of the Wild. Do not play Living Mana on turn 5 ever. Play it on turn 6 if you have already faced Pint-Size Potion Shadow Word: Horror combo, or Dragonfire Potion on turn 6 of your opponent.
    Go face as much as you can against priest, and try to finish the game before turn 6 or 7.

Warlock (aggro): I've had tough time with warlock because of crazy opponent RNG! Again, keep 1 drops and Mark of the Lotus in you opening hand. Also keep Druid of the Swarm. Aggro warlocks have very good early game with Flame Imp and VoidwalkerDruid of the Swarm is a good early game counter to warlock. If you have Strongshell Scavenger, keep Tar Creeper, and/or Crypt Lord in your opening hand. Play on curve, and trade whenever possible. Warlock tends to do a lot of damage to their face with their hero power, so instead of going face, clear the board whenever possible. Do not worry about Defile since aggro warlock runs Prince Keleseth and won't have defile in their deck! Try to finish the game before turn 10, because once their DK is online, you'll have ZERO chance of winning. Don't fear because there aren't as many aggro Warlocks on ladder as there are aggro Rogue, against which this deck win almost every time!

Warlock (Control): as always keep 1 drops and Mark of the Lotus in your opening hand. this match up is more in our favor then aggro Warlock. Try to play around Defile on every turn starting turn 2. Make trades with minions with higher health, even if they have more attack, to avoid Defile. if you have a 2 health minion on board, DO NOT play another 2 health minion to avoid Mortal Coil and Defile. Trade as much as you can, specially on turn 6 to avoid Bonemare. They will use their hero power a lot, so trading will be in our favor. if you opponent plays Twilight Drake, or Mountain Giant on turn 4, CLEAR IT to avoid Faceless Shambler. Try to finish game before turn 10 again, Warlock DK is really good against this deck! 

Druid (Jade/big): As always, keep 1 drops and Mark of the Lotus in your opening hand. The strategy here is to do as much face damage as possible and win the game before the jades become too dominant, or Druid gain 10 mana crystals. Ignore jade golem till they reach 3/3 (usually turn 5-6). the only board removal Druid have is Swipe, so you don't have to worry about the board until they have a lot of minions. Initially Druid will ramp so you'll get some free turns to develop your board. Do not trade until it is absolutely necessary to do so. Do not go all in on turn 5 to avoid Spreading Plague. In case of Big druid, they'll ramp like crazy so you'll get a lot of free turns. do not go all in when your opponent have 9 mana crystals to avoid Deathwing. In case of Druid, just like Priest, Face is the place!

Druid (aggro/mirror): Keep 1 drops, and Mark of the Lotus in your opening hand as always. You also keep Power of the Wild in your opening hand, even if you have Mark of the Lotus, because keeping a Power of the Wild will help you buff your minions faster than your opponent, which is what you want in mirror matches - to be ahead of your opponent! Try to value trade as much as possible, and try to avoid getting your minions at 1 health while trading, because some aggro decks do run 1-2 copy of Swipe. You can go all in on turn 5 as these decks usually don't run spreading plague. Taunts will help you a lot in match ups against the Snowflipper Penguin aggro druid. In mirror match ups all you need to do is out value your opponent by playing on curve, making value trades as much as possible, and buff your board before your opponent does. I've rarely encountered aggro Druid between rank 10 and 5 (maybe once or twice), and won all of them! most of the aggro Druids out there does not run taunt package, so taunt will be really helpful against these matches. DO NOT keep taunts in your opening hand because, first, you don't know weather this is an aggro or jade Druid, and second, you HAVE to gain board control before you opponent no mater what.

Mage: the only Mage deck I've encountered so far in Quest Mage. You have to keep 1 drops and Mark of the Lotus in your opening hand as always. Against mage though, you also HAVE to keep Crazed Alchemist in your hand to avoid Frost Nova Doomsayer clear. Keep Soul of the Forest in you opening hand only if you already have 1 drops and DO NOT have Crazed Alchemist in you hand. Plan here is just like Priest and Druid, go face as much as possible! the only card that you need to trade your cards with is Arcanologist. Try to bring Mage at 1 health by turn 5-6, they usually don't run taunts so you can use your hero power to break their Ice Block once they are at 1 health. They only threat that worry this deck is Frost Nova Doomsayer clear, which can be countered by Crazed Alchemist or Soul of the Forest. They are usually at 5-10 health by the turn they use Frost Nova Doomsayer combo, so even if you do not have  Crazed Alchemist or Soul of the Forest, do not worry, just keep playing and buffing minions! If you encounter Quest mage a lot, I'd recommend you to replace Dire Wolf Alpha or a Strongshell Scavenger with a Savage Roar, because it will help you to break the Ice Block faster. I've only lost 1 game against quest mage so far, so if you're a quest mage hater, this deck is a really good option right now! Against Tempo/Secret Mage, the strategy remains the same, just don't keep  Crazed Alchemist or Soul of the Forest in you opening hand since most Tempo/Secret Mage do not run Doomsayer. Play around their secrets mostly - Mirror EntitySpellbenderCounterspell, and (sometimes) Ice Barrier. If they play secret, play Fire Fly first to check Mirror Entity. coin (if you have it) to check for Counterspell, if you don't have coin, you can try Mark of y'sharj before trying Mark of the LotusLiving Mana, or Power of the Wild. You will have to make value trades here with Arcanologist (if played on turn 2), and Kirin Tor Mage. Play high health minions, usually taunts, to avoid getting rekt by Medivh's Valet. Still, you need to gain that early board control first! DO NOT go all in on turn 6, or buff you minions above 4 health to avoid Flamestrike against Tempo Mage. I haven't encountered many Tempo Mage, maybe 1-2 between rank 10 and 5, and, just like Aggro Druid, won them all, so I don't think Mage will be a huge problem to this deck, until they draw like crazy and play counters to every situation, which is rare.

Rogue: Rogue is always under the favor of this deck, I've winstreaked mostly because of Rogue! just like every other Aggro/Tempo match ups, keep 1 drops and Mark of the Lotus in your opening hand. You also want to keep Golakka Crawler in your opening hand, because tempo Rogue will MOSTLY play Swashburgler on turn 1. Try to make trades as much as possible at the start of your game. till turn 5 you'll have so many minions that it will be hard for Rogue to take the game with Vilespine Slayer. Make trades every time against Rogue, specially on tunr 6 to avoid Bonemare. The biggest minions that they can really pull is Edwin VanCleef, which you can ignore since you'll have such a big board that rogue will find it hard to remove you minions, and you'll do so much face damage, that they will usually die by the time they make good use of Edwin VanCleef. The games will usually end in 5-6 turns, if you have a BAD hand, you'll have less chance of winning. which is very rare! even if you have like all the taunts in your opening hand, you'll win most of the time! DO NOT fear Prince Keleseth and Shadowstep because, first, they will utilize a lot of their cards in doing so, so they won't have enough tempo. And second, even if they DO manage to pull out a BIG minion, our board will be so ridiculous for Rogue to actually deal with, that they will eventually die by the time they even make a good use of their BIG cards! 

Paladin: the only paladin I've encountered so far is Murloc Paladin. As always keep 1 drops and Mark of the Lotus in your opening hand. In this match you need to trade as mush as possible because the last thing you want is paladin to actually buff their minions on board with cards like Blessing of the king and Murloc Warleader. You will usually have 3+ health minions on turn 3, so most of the time you don't have to worry about Consecration, but still you have to play around Wild Pyromancer and Equality combo, so I'd suggest you to not go all in on turn 3, and on turn 5 to avoid Consecration and Equality combo. DO NOT play Living Mana on turn 5-6, until you've encountered at least one of their board clear combo. Also, DO NOT play living mana on turn 7, until you can buff them with Mark of the Lotus, to avoid Primordial Drake. I've only encountered 1 Murloc Paladin, with crazy draws! and still won the game, so I think that Murloc Paladin will hardly be any problem, just remember to trade as much as possible to avoid Paladin buffs, and try to play around its board removals, which they'll hardly acquire given the lack of draw they have. Match should finish by turn 6-7.

Warrior: Warrior is the dead class right now with only Dead Man's Hand Warrior seeing some play. I've only encounter a pirate Warrior so far, an won against it, so I think warrior will hardly be any problem for this deck. As always keep 1 drops and Mark of the Lotus in your opening hand. Also keep Galokka Crawler, just in case its a Pirate Warrior, and its good against Dead Man's Hand Warrior as well. If it's a Pirate Warrior, then play taunt minions to avoid face damage (which you'll rarely get because of value trades!), trade as much as possible. Feed your Galokka crawler, you'll win within 3-4 turns! (they'll usually concede by that point). Against Dead Man's Hand Warrior, use the usual strategy, try not to go all in on turn 3 to avoid Wirlwind, Sleep with the Fishes, and Blood Razor. they'll just draw draw draw, so you'll have a lot of free turns, the game will usually end in 5-6 turns. Keep your minions at health higher that 5 to avoid Wirlwind, Sleep with the Fishes, and Blood Razor, and you're good to go! Warrior match ups will mostly be in our favor.

Shaman: Evolve Shaman will be in your favor most of the time. Again, keep 1 drops and Mark of the Lotus. You'll have to have the early board control against Evolve Shaman. TRADE and kill EVERY Shaman minions on the board, to avoid Shaman have value trades with cards like Flametongue Totem and Bloodlust. The one card that you need to worry about is Devolve, it will be a HUGE tempo swing for Shaman, luckily we can buff the minions on board, so it won't be a very big deal. You will, however, need to worry about getting your Living Mana devolved. Only play Living Mana if you Mark of the Lotus, and/or Power of the Wild in your hand. DO NOT buff your Living Mana (or you early board minions until it is absolutely necessary to do so) instantly, wait a turn to check for Devolve, and then buff. Also try to keep your minions at 3+ health to avoid Maelstrom Portal and Lightning Storm with the spell damage totem. The game will mostly be in your favor, and will usually end in 5-6 turns. I've only encounter 1-2 Evolve Shaman between rank 10-5, and won them all! 

Hunter: Midrange Hunter is TOO SLOW for this deck! again, keep 1 drops and Mark of the Lotus in your opening hand. You need to gain early board control, which you usually will, and make value trade to avoid Crackling RazormawHoundmaster, and Bonemare (sometimes). ALWAYS kill Leokk from Animal Companion to avoid hunter to have vlaue trade with Unleash the Hounds. The games will mostly be in our favor, and the game will be over by turn 5-6. Midrange Hunter is TOO SLOW for this deck!

Replacements: You can replace the pirate package with the following:

+2 Argent Squire and +1Savage Roar (if you encounter a lot of Tempo decks like Tempo Rogue and Aggro warlock, Argent Squire can be useful for value trades, and Savage Roar can provide you with a lot of burst damage)
+2 Savage Roar and +1Dire Wolf Alpha (if you encounter a lot of control decks like Quest mage, and Highlander/Dragon priest, Dire Wolf Alpha, and Savage Roar can provide you with the extra damage you need)

Sadly you CANNOT replace Living Mana with anything. But you can try two Savage roars if you don't have Living ManaSavage Roar on a big board can actually fill the void of living mana by giving your characters +2 attack for one turn. Living Mana usually wont survive more that 2 turn in most of the games anyway, so I think Savage Roar can be a good replacement for Living Mana.

If you find any mistake in this guide feel free to comment below! And remember that RNG is a bitch, it's sometimes in our opponent's favor, just don't quit if you lose 2-3 matches in a row, because in a long run you'll always win!