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I hate this card so much.
Very solid card when played on curve.
Druid of the Swarm with Fandral is filth.
It's a giant Stubborn Gastropod.
More like a 2 mana Trogg Gloomeater...
A 1/5 with taunt on turn 2 is pretty repugnant if you ask me.
What does this do with Fandral Staghelm?
1/5 taunt poisonous.
Shame it's not a 2/7 taunt poisonous =/
Is that flavor text a Kafka reference?
I don't know why, but she reminds me of Kerrigan >.>
This card easily wins my award for best looking card, and yeah, the play off the details in the card are perfect. Her pose, the position of the feathers, the shades of green violet and purple, which are very zerg orientated are perfect And don't forget the name of the card!
i wanted to craft golden one but i got it from pack :D
1/5 Taunt is just wrong for a 2 mana card especially its Choose One (Am'gam Rager)
and why can't they word the Choose One cards better for Fandral Staghelm
simple it should be "transform to gain poisonous or +3 health and taunt"
Urg this is just going to be in token druid isn't it?
If you dont need 1/5 taunt that much, you would better off run stubborn gastropod
sorry poisonous without taunt is better because they can be protected by other taunts
aren't they bolding poisonous ?
2 mana 1/5 taunt is meh 2 mana 1/2 poisonous is awful stuborn gastropod is just so much better. also If this card were slightly better lets say 1/6 taunt or 1/3 poisonous I'm not sure what archetype it'll fit for druid.
But see, it's whatever works best at the time; as I said in a previous comment, when you've got the initiative you can play this down and force the opponent to play something to trade into it. If you need to regain the initiative, it's got enough power to kill 90% of the one drops being played and enough toughness to take two or three of them out with it.