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%82 Win Rate to Legend Highlander N'zoth priest

  • Last updated Aug 21, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Reno Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 18840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/18/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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This is the first time i got legend and it is with my own deck which gives me such a joy 

this deck is too strong right now only jade druids got %50 win rate against it other than that every match up is just easy

i can give a comprehensive guide if this deck gets some recognition.


nortshire cleric - that is an important card, if you have it against an aggro deck or a token deck like evolve shaman just use it in turn 1. If you go against a slower deck try to get at least one card draw from it.  *essential

Potion of Madness - that is an amazing tool against aggro and you almost always want this card in your opening hand. We all know how great a card this is. *essential 

Power Word: Shield - another priest card we use in almost every deck. *essential

Acidic Swamp Ooze and Gluttonous Ooze - we face tons of weapons this meta. pirate warriors and Jade Claws , paladins, even medivhs time to time. that led me to play two weapon eaters which provide great utiliy. reason i choose those two over Harrison Jones is they can come in much earlier and thats really important since a lot of weapons bring you down early. *one essential second optional

replacement for second ooze: Harrison Jones, curious glimerroot, Kabal Talonpriest

Golakka Crawler - well pirates.... *essential

Museum Curator - this card does not shine against aggros, you should mulligan it away all the time unless the other cards you have are all 8,9 and 10 drops.  but it gives a card for n'zoth in bigger games and you can choose the minion according to the situation. *optional

replacement: Mirage Caller, Cabal Shadow Priest, curious glimerroot


Shadow Word: Pain: classic priest control card. *essential

Spirit Lash- so many aggro made me tech this in it is good but not great can be replaced.*optional

replacements: Deathlord , Bloodmage Thalnos, Loot Hoarder, Crystalline Oracle

Shadow Word: Death: classic *essential

Velen's Chosen: *essential for the value that it brings when trading, unseen spell damage buff and protecting an important minion.

Kazakus, Priest of the Feast,Excavated Evil, Raza the Chained, Sludge Belcher: ALL ESSENTIAL in the fight against aggro and several extra traits.

Vol'jin - i personally would never change this card since it worked great for me. but it is between being essential and optional. also

Cairne Bloodhoof, Entomb, Skulking Geist - are all replacable with the following as well as Vol'jin

replacement: Kabal Songstealer,Nexus-Champion Saraad, Archbishop Benedictus Cabal Shadow Priest,Loatheb, Antique Healbot, The Black Knight, elise trailblazer


rest of the deck that are not mentioned are all unreplacable aswell.

good luck in your matches. Needs practice to master but easy to play.