Card Clarifications
- Lifesteal is a brand new mechanic added with Knights of the Frozen Throne. It heals your hero for the amount of damage dealt by the minion or spell.
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Dragon Soul
This is ridiculous with spell damage, but bad by itself.
This and a spell damage +1 so gooood.
this + Prophet Velen = Reno Jackson
Does the heal trigger in one single bit effect, or with many 1s ? Lightwarden would like to know..
It's old, but for all of you who don't know: AoE-Effects that have lifesteal does only heal 1 time.
Still gotta do something about that Frothing Berserker
Finally an AoE we can play before turn 5. No more relying on Wild Pyromancer shenanigans. Although pairing it with him is probably pretty good.
Hi N'Zoth's First Mate, hi Patches the Pirate! Goodbye N'Zoth's First Mate, goodbye Patches the Pirate! Finallly, we make it past turn 6, go team! ;)
The more I think about this, the better this card is. Priest needed a reliable way to deal cheap small AOE, and a way to damage their own minions for healing purposes synergies, etc. Wow, great card. The cheapness is the main draw
If this card is any indication, it looks like Pirate Warrior is going to have a harder time with this next expansion! Imagine this x2 on turn 4 against those smaller pirates...
Bloodmage Thalnos with this card will make wonders...It will deal 2 dmg like holy nova plus it will heal you for a very good amount.This is a really good answer to aggro decks!At least you need to have these 2 cards in your hand :P
I'm not sure how much Priest you've either played or played against, but often times they get a rushed down well before turn 6. This card cost the same as hero power, but is able to heal for greater and deal damage.You could put all the healing cards in the game into one deck and Priest would still get rushed down. The trick is striking a balancing between maintaining the board to be favorable for you and healing so you don't die to burn. This card does both.
Totally agree with you. Although priest is a heavy healing class, it generally wins by healing it's board and accruing value over time. Spending 2 mana, for 2 health, once per turn doesn't really affect the amount of healing you need as a control deck to survive aggro.
Of much greater importance than the heal it provides, is the fact that this is a card which damages the board.
"Used in 38% of Priest decks"
38% of priest decks are highlander, which have to include shitty cards due to the "1 of" restriction.
If you can use this with spell power on the board it's going to be insane.
I likey!
Lol ?
It's a early AoE spell, Very Strong against Aggro and good against Control, for Pings or for healing...
A very good card for the right moment.