[TB] Most Fun! In Depth Analysis! (W/L 28-5)
- Last updated Jun 15, 2016 (Old Gods)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Brawl: Heart of the Sunwell
- Crafting Cost: 11040
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 6/16/2016 (Old Gods)

- Sinti
- Registered User
- 26
- 67
- 300
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
tl;dr: kickass deck, try it out!!! :))
Hi guys, this brawl is amazing! I havent had this much fun playing priest in a LONG time. Now im back to all the old tricks and it rocks!!!! Try it out if u want to and enjoy the fun like me :)
I know u might be annoyed by the amount of priest this week in the brawl, but well its the best class for it, since it has SO much efficient removal and ways to turn the tides it just makes sense, but this deck eats priest for dinner, if ur not totally unlucky, or if u know how to use your cards right :)
- Mind Control: #1 Card of the week. Tempo swings win u the game by itself, especially if u go 2nd and u steal your opponent big guy, which u couldnt play yourself 1st. And ofc many more uses :)
- Entomb: "weaker" Mind Control, but u can either steal whatever u want or just remove taunts or whatever, very versatile :) Good combo with Piloted Shredder or Infested Tauren for big tempo swings.
- Shadow Word: Death: cheap hard removal, whats not to like. Bigger tempo swings with Faceless Manipulator, Sylvanas Windrunner etc.
- Lightbomb: i found that 2 lightbombs were too much, but one is absolute must, deals with Rafaams zombies and with big boards in general, worst case scenario its 6 mana Shadow Word: Death. Bigger tempo swings with Piloted Shredder or Infested Tauren.
- Thoughtsteal: amazing tool that will give u a great card most of the time, be it big guy or a removal, since your opponent doesnt play shit (or combo) cards (most of the time), also nicely fills your curve when u need to.
- Faceless Manipulator: Beast of tempo swings, combo it with Shadow Word: Death or Coin+Entomb if u went 2nd or copy your own guys to get even bigger lead without sacrificing much of a card and mana value.
- Arch-Thief Rafaam: On of the best T1 plays, most of the time u go for zombis and go for a coin flip on enemy having aoe, if they have it, they spend most of their turn using it and u can just play your other stuff, if they dont have its, its game over for them most of the time. But sometimes its better to go for +10/+10 buff and rarely for the random dmg, but hey u have options, u can decide :)
- Dr. Boom: Still one of the best standalone cards and boom bots r usually a good Nzoth fodder, since it f**** enemy Rag and Sylvanas and the damage can help u clear/push for dmg.
- Nefarian: Great card that will help u get some random removals and random shit in general and just makes your games more fun and unique, perfect :)
Deathrattle survival mode:
- Sylvanas Windrunner: Queen of the board, just be smart about playing her, dont just play her into obvious Entomb or whatever for free, but if u do play her as a bait, be sure u have a follow up on the turn, where your opponent spent most of his mana removing her.
- Sludge Belcher: big fat pig that stops even bigger fat pigs :) One of the bricks in the Nzoths Wall :)
- Infested Tauren: little piggie, that still stops even the biggest bastards and another brick in the Nzoth Wall.
- N'Zoth, the Corruptor: Usually not your win condition, but rather stopper of anything and everything, after u played couple taunts u get them back. Or u can push for Sylvanas or boombot/shredder plays, whatever is the best in the moment.
- Piloted Shredder: Solid 4drop that can fill the curve and is a meat for the deathrattle train.
- Sneed's Old Shredder: One of the most questionable cards in the deck, cause it does nothing for u the turn u play it and its hard to activate and its SUPER easy to lose (entomb, mindcontrol whatever). But it is a good body and deathrattle meat. U can replace this one as u like.
#YOLO mode:
- Ragnaros the Firelord: the GOD of RNG, yes thats why he is here, u will have games, where u just say F it and play him and pray to him to hit what u want. Thats the kind of stuff that was once among the most common and at the same time exciting things in the old days, lets get it rolling again :)
- Kel'Thuzad: since we have crapload of deathrattle minions, we should have a board most of the time, so this just helps with trades and board control. Win more card, but win hard card :)
- Confessor Paletress: probably as much yolo as Rag, but most of the time weaker. Great T1 play tho and anytime u can afford it to get the board rolling :)
- Power Word: Shield: cycle card and helps with trades or keeps something alive, nobrainer.
- Excavated Evil: i switched this for the 2nd lightbomb, lightbomb was too heavy and kept killing my stuff too often, this deals with Rafaam 3/3 zombies and keeps your big guys alive.
- Emperor Thaurissan: honestly this card is just a luxury on top, u dont need it in this deck, but it does make the combos less heavy and since u are stealing a lot of stuff of off your opponent or Nefarian random cards etc, the discount can make for some interesting plays. But if u dont have him or dont like him, feel free to switch him up. Emperor and Sneeds are the two cards that are absolutely NOT a must in this deck and are non essential.
Best combos / big tempo swings:
- Mind Control
- Mind Control
- Mind Control
- Shadow Word: Death + Faceless Manipulator
- Shadow Word: Death on your own Sylvanas Windrunner
- Shadow Word: Death + Dr. Boom
- Shadow Word: Death + Coin + 8 mana legendary
- Entomb + Piloted Shredder / Infested Tauren
- Entomb + Coin + Faceless Manipulator / Sludge Belcher
- Aoe + taunt (cpt. obvious i know :d)
Mulligan and first turns:
You pretty much want to always start with Mind Control and/or Entomb/Shadow Word: Death as a ways to deal with whatever your opponent throws at u and get the tempo rolling early.
Your own plays on T1 (without coin) should be rafaam, nefarian, dr. boom, sneeds, paeltres, rag, double 5 or 4 drops or combination of the two.
Your own plays on T1 (with coin): should be your T2 plays without coin > ur stealing/removing enemy minion and idealy play a 4 drop or something.
Great T2 follow up after u played your big minion is to either steal enemy minion or steal your own back after it got mindcontroled or just entomb it, if its rafaam or nefarian and get the battlecries again :)
Important advice: COUNT YOUR MANA .. and consider Thoughtstealing first, if u have enough mana for the other play u would do anywawy, u can get a better play!!! ;-) Main use of thoughtsteal is to fill your curve tho, dont waste a turn if u have better play.
Some cards that didnt make the cut:
Pretty much everything that will F*** u, when it gets mindcontroled etc. and is not strong enought to have in the deck anyway (like Sylvanas for example). See the list:
- Mindgames: too unpredictable to sacrifice a card slot, anytime it was played against me it did nothing.
- Deathwing: iv seen it play vs me, never worked, opponent burnt tons of cards and i just entombed / sw:d it and continued on my way + deathrattle minions = qq
- Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound: one of the biggest ways, how u can lose the game fast :) faceless+sw:d or any similar combo and its pretty much gg,
- Alexstrasza: not a bad card, but not very impactfull, we have a huge taunt wall and we r not dying anytime soon, u can usually heal back up.
- Icehowl: iv seen it play, wasnt the worst thing ever, it usually trades for 2 big guys, not bad, not best. Could switch up for sneed or emperor.
- Soggoth the Slitherer: honestly havent tried him, but in theory i dont see what he would do better than belchers, too costly and no synergy.
- ysera: another card that if stolen can f*** u right back. Fun fact: iv played a game, where opponent went Ysera, i copied her and then it got mindcontroled and opponent had 2x ysera on board for 8 turns and i still won the game :) (double nzoth + kt + trilion taunts etc. OP) :D
- Chromaggus: too slow in my opinion, but can be replaced for sneed or emperor.
- Foe Reaper 4000: do not even f**** think about it!!!! it gets mindcontroled and u can surrender, if u dont have removal.
- Gruul: slow and bad news if mindcontroled, almost as bad as foe reaper and its weaker for your benefits, dont play this, ever.
- Baron Geddon: 2dmg aoe = useless most of the time (Rafaam zombies r 3/3). Can hurt u more than your opponent, unpredictable dead card.
- troggzor the erthinator: i dont have him so i can try it out, but loatheb was a bust, this might be better, dunno.
- Cairne Bloodhoof: too slow, low dmg
- Herald Volazj: i dont have him, but i think it could be an awesome card in this deck, try it out :) swap for sneed or emperor
- Hogger: could work, but lot of ppl run Kraken ... so it would just die to it and we have better synergestic taunts.
- Maexxna: i suppose it could work as some kind of removal, but i think its not good enought for the cost/tempo.
- Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale: this card would probably work here, it would fill the curve with banana plays, try it out if u want.
- The Black Knight: not enought taunts to justify this.
- Toshley: i suppose he would work, similar to mukla > fills the curve.
- Blingtron 3000: i love the card, but its the ultimate yolo, even more than rag, since it can screw u royally :D go for it if u want to have fun (consider adding harrison as well for combo).
- Feugen / Stalagg: i tried them, they were too slow and one can get stolen and then your opponent gets tadius, no thanks.
- Harrison Jones: honestly i havent seen a single weapon, for obvious reasons, combo it with blingtron if u want :)
- Leeroy Jenkins: we r not that kind of deck :) and most of the time we dont need 6dmg burst to win anyway.
- Loatheb: i thought it would be great to disrupt MC/entomb plays, it was very underwhelming, didnt do much. swap sneed or emperor for him, if u want to try it out.
- Nexus-Champion Saraad: suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper slow, like sooooooooooooooooooooooooo muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch
- Vol'jin: iv tried him, thought it would be another removal, but u dont rly have anything to do the 2dmg ... usually just lowered something i would have to trade into anyway, didnt work out so well.
- Elise Starseeker: too slow, i tried her in my ranked cthun/nzoth priest and she was just f*** up my draws and delaying what i wanted to do, i think it would be same here, u have in your deck cards u want to win with, u dont want random legendaries and delaying your draws.
Ok guys, TOOOOOOOOONs of text i know, but i wanted to share my experience with u, hopefully it will help at least someone (who read this far :D).
Some cute pics as a reward u got this far :-*
1) Best Spellbinder in the history of ever :D
2) Tick Tock
3) And you get a Rag and you get a Rag and you get a Rag ... :D