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boomsday is bringing some good demon hand buffs for warlock, this card might make some appearances soon i think, it's a lot of tags and if you can buff the attack consistently it's a PITA to aggro decks
I use this card in my Deamon Warlock. Such a great card with Mal‘Ganis! It protects him and heals me for a lot.
Voted Playable.
On it's own, it's not great. Better than Unpowered Steambot for example as it is still slows the game down against aggro but it is better against Paladins or any other class that uses 1-health minions as it can sometimes kill something while getting a bit of health back. I use it with Lady in White Dragon Priest and it has already won me a bunch of games. If it gets played before the Lady, it is still a great target for Inner Fire and health buffs or a comb with Cobalt Scalebane. If it gets played after the Lady and your opponent can only clear it by attacking into it, it's a massive health swing that aggro decks generally can't recover from as they typically need to attack it at least twice. I realize it's not good for everybody, but I have been loving this card so far. Worst case if it comes out buffed and your opponent can remove it immediately, then at least they have one less option to use on Wyrmguard!
Call in the Finishers
just bad... its is kind of sad because the concept of this card could be quite good, but its stats are just too bad for 4 mana...
Sad that it turned out to be bad to you, because this is a great anti aggro card if used correctly. I made a budget anti aggro Warlock deck using Felsoul as the core with some stat boosting cards, baits, and many Taunt minions and I can repel most if not all aggro decks. The only thing that can make aggro win is if you have an insanely terrible draw.
Cool pack filler
Heads up, this isn't tagged as a Demon in the Hearthpwn database. It won't show up when you search for Demons.
Blizz : '' Is this too obvious that we are printing a pack filler here? ''
Blizz again : '' Nha, just slap a random tribe tag and no one will notice ... ''
Nice flavor text
pack filler
Insanely good Warlock Tech. Play this + Treachery to mess up your opponent's Guldan. Without a doubt a new meta-defining card.
This is a DEMON, so it is going to be awesome in warlock!
It's not going to be awesome in any class.
Seems like it could be good in Lady in White Decks
The fact that almost all minions with bad stats got lifesteal makes it possible but it will probably serve only as a pack filler this expansion. Who knows though? :)
I think there is a bright future in Felsoul. People say that it's bad because of the starting stats that doesn't add up to Lifesteal well, but stats can be increased, and Lifesteal shines in high Attack minions. Enough Lifesteal can maintain Warlock's health. Sure, it won't be in every tier 1 deck because it's a common card, but at least it does pretty well against aggro decks with some boosting help.