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More support for fucking swarm+buff tactics.
Chain gang synergy is insane. Totally trying this in Cubelock to see how often it hits Tortollian defender and Chain gang. Also makes Voidlord a bigger damage threat.
Seems like Eggman have been working out
I love this Left-most Right-most thing, hope they do more with it in the future. As for the card itself, 1 mana +2/2 HANDBUFF is pretty good. Sometimes cards like Twisting Nether or Gul'dan will get in the way of it but you'd have to have shit luck for those cards to really matter, not as often as you'd think it'd happen.
If RNG goes your way, you could see a turn 2 5/4 Flame Imp or a 4/5 Voidwalker... Nice
Don't you mean a Flame Imp at 7/6. If you're going to get one Soul Infusion, why not get two?
Good buff spell. Play this on turn one in case a cheap enough minion is your left-most. Then play the minion next turn. Good early game targets include Flame Imp, Vulgar Homunculus and Voidwalker. That's just one way of getting some good value out of it.
Yay! Minigame! "What should I throw our from my left side to make this good"
More hand play and if a minion is left most you've probably been saving it so making it even stronger is a solid move. This could be a pretty good spell for Warlock.
This card will be pretty ridiculous in arena. I do like its flavor and has some potential in zoo decks. Like set up an egg to be your left most card.
That is... odd
Handbuff Warloxk? Ok, sure