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Have been having a lot of success with this card in my Wild Quest/Evolve Shaman deck. It can:
1) Help you complete the Unite the Murlocs quest.
2) Provide a massive +4 buff to Murloc Tidecaller and Old Murk-Eye.
3) Give you four tokens to buff on the next turn with Bloodlust (assuming they survive a turn) and Murloc Warleader. They’re called the finishers for a reason!
4) Set a wide board to leverage Zentimo + Unstable Evolution.
5) Offers 1-for-1 mana value on Everyfin is Awesome.
Super versatile card in a deck like that, able to help in all phases of the match. Very underrated.
Blizzard needs to change it's tokens into Teenage Mutant Ninja Murlocs that resemble the original TMT characters.
Hearthstone starts to turn into MtG. Making card one set before it's useful.
If u have 3 murls by the turn 4 just Call in the Finishers + free Everyfin is Awesome. Also good with zero mana 1-1 murls.
I wonder if the combo Call in the Finishers + Everyfin is Awesome can fit and restyle the good old midrange shaman?
Somehow this card reminds me of I Am Murloc...
i wonder how.. :thinking:
I think it's fairly ok. It's basically a card that says have a board clear or lose. Although many decks will have a board clear others will not, or at least their board clears will be few and varied. As the name suggests it is the 'finishing' card. If you are playing a priest or warrior as midrange shaman it is pretty easy to exhaust their board clears early on and if you already have the board when you play the combo it will be really hard for a full clear to come out barring brawl and twisting nether (think 7/7 things from below and 4/5 feral spirits). It is quite possible this card might see play
soo... it's a really shitty muster for battle even worse than stand against darkness (think was the name of the one that summons more than 3 guys from the oldgods set?)
regardless this i don't see being viable even in a murloc deck it's surprisingly not even that great when you combo with everyfin because that is 7 mana in one turn still and only summons you 4 3/3's that can not do anything on that turn, by turn 7 whoever you're fighting against already has an AoE by that time.. let alone you can't use this card on it's own it's to easily dealt with and if you're playing a murloc deck you're already a aggro themed deck especially if you're a shammy so by turn 7 your enemy is dead or you lost already.
only possible way i see this card working is if you're playing a murloc every single turn and turn 4 use this and then you can everyfin on the same turn if you still have murlocs from the previous turns, probably the dream situation idk if it's gonna work im skeptical about it
It might be worse than Muster for Battle but then again, so are most cards of this type.
It's certainly not worse than Stand Against Darkness though. Murloc synergy is far more powerful than Silver Hand Recruit synergy.
In your example, you claim that combining this with Everyfin is Awesome is a turn 7 play, but that is only assuming you had no murlocs survive from previous turns AND no Murloc Tinyfin in hand.
If you can hold a single murloc on board, like Murloc Raider or something, you can then follow up with Call in the Finishers + 2 Murloc Tinyfin + 2 Everyfin is Awesome for 7 5/5 murlocs turn 4. If your opponent can't deal with that (even Felfire Potion and Dragonfire Potion can't be played that early, only Wild Pyromancer + Equality has a chance) then GG.
Of course that's the dream, and getting those 5 cards turn 4 ain't easy but Turn 6 -> 5 4/3s or turn 8 with Old MurkEye aren't even too bad.
Is murloc shaman a good deck? No, but it's fun for some people, and this card belongs in it
I like it. Not giving midrange shaman another card and making Murloc Shaman that bit better.
Morgl playing with murloc decks just makes sense doesn't it??!
i dunno but everyfin might happen.
incoming shaman mechanic that gives murlocs charge
I can stand that Shaman is too strong and that Blizzard wants to balance things. But c'mon, at least make some cards that suit more different playstyles instead of refreshing an old FAILED mechanic for Shaman (Murloc Shaman never worked). They could have made a control card for Shaman instead of this shit! Why not? Control Shaman is not even a thing and will be completely erased as TGT will rotate out in spring.
The reason Murloc Shaman has never been a thing is because there are not enough support for the deck. Comparing Shaman to Paladin, the latter got a lot of support for murloc deck with Vilefin Inquisitor and Anyfin Can Happen while Shaman get nothing that will flood the board with Murloc while Everyfin is Awesome requires a lot of murlocs to fuel it.
Also, your complain is extremely biased toward constructed. There are also Arena and Tavern Brawl to consider when making a card. Just because your format doesn't get anything good doesn't mean everyone will get affected by it.
There are also other reasons why Murloc Shaman has never been a thing. The lack of support was due to 1) Incompetence (see Siltfin) 2) Shaman has a lot of burst damage, so giving Shaman tools to make an Aggro Murloc Deck would have been really risky since the rise of Aggro Shaman (thanks to 1 only card called Tunnel Trogg).
Also, with the rotations, if Blizzard makes a Murloc card for a class every 2 or 3 expansions, it will become useless at a certain point. In April 2017 LoE will rotate out so Everyfin is Awesome will not be in standard. This leaves Shaman with only this card as a Murloc Support, much like when GvG rotated out.
Murloc Shaman is a failed mechanic because Shaman has a snowballing playstyle that can only be fueled by strong cards. Murlocs are not strong by themselves. Compare Tunnel Trogg to Murloc Tidecaller, the former is much better than the latter for A LOT of reasons. Also, the right supports would make Murloc Shaman too strong due to the huge bursts Shaman already has, and I don't think you want this. The Murloc playstyle is something that belongs to Warlock due to its Hero Power, because they need draw power or an AoE will make you concede instantly.
Since the card is Common it can have an impact in arena but it doesn't seem really powerful. It's just a turn 4 Muster for Battle with 1 more token but without 4 pings attached to them. It's not enough, and Shaman's 4 mana slot in arena is really good on its own (Master of Evolution, FwF, Fireguard Destroyer). Do you really want to judge a card for future Tavern Brawls? It doesn't make any sense since Tavern Brawls only last one week and if you make a card only for a week you're wasting a card slot, and in this case it's a class card slot. Much more precious than the generic slot. I can see this card only in Evolve Shaman if the Murlocs are valued at 3/4 mana.
Barring any new cards we haven't seen making this card good, I think the only time this will see play is in wild where it can synergize relatively well in a murloc shaman deck with Everyfin is Awesome. As if getting 4/4 in stats for 4 mana wasn't bad enough, having them split into four 1/1 bodies is a death sentence where so many classes (Particularly warrior) can easily wipe the board of little 1 health minions (And murloc decks are already very vulnerable to 1-2 damage aoes). Really to make this card useful, you need to have warleader on the field already (which means you're probably winning anyway since it's not dead right now) and then get Coldlight Seer out to get these up to being four 3/4 bodies (1/3 once the warleader dies though). Playing all those in one turn is also not really an option since murloc decks really can't afford to hang on to warleaders or Coldlight Seers and to play all three would require 11 mana or seven mana if you settle for just Call the Finishers + Coldlight Seer which is still a horribly slow late play for a murloc deck.
In wild this fares better since when you combine it with Everyfin is Awesome, you're reducing EiA's cost by the cost of Finishers and summoning 4 1/1 murlocs that die easily might be benefitial if you're in wild and just need to buff up your Ol' Murkeye or draw some cards through Siltfin Spiritwalker to refresh your hand.
Edit: My bad Everyfin is Awesome is still in Standard until the first expansion is released next year, but still not having the synergy with Siltfin Spiritwalker or Murkeye really hurts this cards viability.
warleader is 3 mana to make that combo you described a 10 mana combo not 11. Not saying it's good, just saying it isn't 11 mana
What kind of mindset was I in where I thought 4+3+3=11...Maybe I was thinking doing call in the finishers x2 + Warleader or coldlight,,, Honestly I don't remember.