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"Knights of the Frozen Clone"
*Mage plays Frozen Clone.
*Enemy plays Stormwind Knight.
*Secret triggers, giving mage two of them.
"Aha ha!" the mage says. "Fear me, for I have the Knights of the Frozen Clone!"
Look at Flavor Text: It's like déjà vu, times two.
"Okay........Next card!"
Look at Simulacrum Flavor Text: It's like déjà vu, times two.
Yay, new secret! Let the experiment begin! (Although that's what Putricide might say.)
Huge missed opportunity to call this one "Snowclone".
I salivate at all the potential shenanigans. :)
its better than mirror entity if you get a good battlecry minion. if not its worse than mirror entity. Overall i think it would be decent at least at 1 depending on how many good battlecries the meta will have.
Might replace one copy of Mirror Entity in secret mage? If it is still a thing come KFT. Most of the time you only get a crappy 1/1 anyways. Getting 2 Babbling Book or Swashburglar could come in handy.
Troublesome to see how this would play out in competitive especially since this does not really fit into any specific decks. So all I can honestly say is that this card is at least decent in Arena.
Eww. Damn you mage!
Yet another reason to play Snowflipper Penguin
Which would be the worst and best case scenario?
getting x2 Galvadon for sure KappaPride
Lord Jaraxxus preferably golden
That happened me once - the enemy and I were like for 1 minute "Holy shit!
Next turn: double Galvadon
he just conceded next turn (wasnt even lethal), this was too much epicness for him to handle
I think you should read the card again =)
Mirror Entity on steroids... Now this thing also get the battlecry, twice. So you also get little friend of Big-Time Racketeer you actually even get 2 little friends, instead of just a 1/1. Kinda harder to play around, now you literally want to play a 1 drop with no special abilities into mage secrets if possible to test for minion interactions, because you don't want to give them powerful battlecry. (or I suppose something with negative side-effects or double-sided effects like Mistress of Mixtures)
What are you talking about? Also, this card is worse than arcane intellect in most cases.
Well you underestimate value of it being secret... playing around Mirror Entity will be harder if this card is actually run, or if someone gets a secret from random effect... also let's see the meta and then decide...