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He can swing to the most ridicolous / uncertain target , so it can be rewarding or it can be bad, you never know.
But he is playable definitelly.
Can anyone tell me what the flavour text is a reference to? I know i heard it somewhere before
This card is really good in arena where it's really not about what you hit but the size of your board
Would be nice if it had Enrage: Windfury... otherwise, nah.in Arena it saved my ass a few times, each time killing nasties hidding behind provoker. I like him, but no constructed, of course.
This kobold has the spirit of the original Leeroy Jenkins. Attack everything!
It'd probably be broken as hell and find it's way into a new era of pirate warrior where you do 8 damage to the face and develop a 4/4
Ogre Brute never saw constructed play in any class, so I cannot imagine situation in which this class-restricted worsened version would.
Wrong. Ogre Brute did see play in several decks back in the GvG days such as mech mage, the first ever attempt of tempo warrior and midrange druid. Not that it performed amazingly but it did see play.
It might work as early threats removal but I think it is too inconsistent to become a thing. Might be played in arena though for "free" 4 dmg value.
Like Ogre Brute from GvG but with even less control. probably a good pick in arena but I don't think it will see play in constructed.
In other words, it go face one time free if opponent has no minion.
Actual text:
3 mana 4/4: When you open this card, remove it from your collection and gain 20 dust.
Dust value
The power level or cards has been on the creep as of late. I remember running Spider Tank because it was a 3 mana 3/4 and a mech and that was good enough. 2 mana used to be the powerhouse of decks and that has been shifting towards 3 mana in my opinion. This however has a 'downside' for having 1 extra stat. Pirate Warrior is a shadow of its past self (thank god) but they would not run this card. Even without the card text, you would not run a 3 mana 4/4 most of the time. This is however an okay card in arena so sure.
fuck yo Primalfin Totem
Honestly it says "enemy", if it hits face even once that is a 3 4/4 deal 4 damage to your opponent which is sick!
Edit: it can't make second attack in that turn, which makes it a little worse, but maybe it can still see play.
Swamp King Dred attacks any enemy minion summoned by the opponent; if he is frozen he doesn't attack so I'm quite sure this guy won't be able to either if he gets frozen. That's why it says attack instead of deal damage equal to your attack an enemy.
Go Ahead. Make My Day.
Funny you'd put that card while quoting an almost equally bad interaction, Patient Assassin