Twisting Nether

Card Text
Destroy all minions
and locations.
Flavor Text
The Twisting Nether is a formless place of magic and illusion and destroyed minions.
Destroy all minions
and locations.
The Twisting Nether is a formless place of magic and illusion and destroyed minions.
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never have i ever got it :(
This card is good.
i thought this was a wrecking ball for two years
To craft it or not to craft it... that is the question.
It's one of the best boardwipe cards in the game. And if you play Warlock alot, I highly recommend you craft at least one of these!
As of expansion Kobolts & Catacombs, many control warlocks run two copies of this!
After many expansions I would say this is still the best board control spell ingame after Defile. Defile it's more situational but considering the mana cost of it, the versatility it provides, and the results you can get makes of it probably the srongest card of this type. Both cards are must-have for any control Warlock.
Best in-game spell animation ever
Too bad isn't going to get play after Reno rotates of Standard.
Shouldn't it work like entomb and not trigger rattle as the minion is gone
Ultimate removal!
before it was trash, but now in renolock it's a staple.
With N'Zoth coming and its ability to instantly flood the board with stuff like Sylvanas, I think I might just craft this card after all, for a worst-case-scenario event that Deathwing won't save me from because of, well, Sylvanas.
My absolute favorite golden card in Hearthstone
its getting back into the meta :D
Is the 400/1600 dust to craft this worth it for RenoLock?
I have the same question. My RenoLock would benefit a lot from it. Im planning to dust Troggzor the Earthinator in order to craft this (Yes, i have Dr Boom).
Edit: I dusted some other cards (pretty useless) and crafted Twisting Nether. It works wonder. Played 7 games, saved me 4 (Against secret pally with tirion, for example. Twisting Nether + Acidic swamp oozer -> Concede)
hmph.. i like golden animation
Your such a tryhard you will never size up to pensaer.
Blizzard gave us a Damnation reprint before Wizards did