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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide

    Thalnos is a great add to most mage decks. Not too important in priest but he's a very good neutral.

    How many do you plan to craft? You said "legendaries" but only specified one you're thinking of. 



    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on legend rogue quest deck

    Did you hit legend with this list? It's one of the better lists I've seen

    Posted in: legend rogue quest deck
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    posted a message on extreme probability or just horseshit?

    Your thread title asked if it was horseshit and you get defensive when someone implies you might be salty?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Which was your 1st Golden Hero?

    Shaman, primarily midrange before gadgetzan, and then a bit of jade after.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide

    It is highly unlikely that you will have regrets with N'Zoth since he only becomes more powerful in Wild.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide

    Kalimos is in one of the three top decks and is in the top 5 of legends in terms of played winrate (i.e. playing the card contributes to winning the game) -- https://hsreplay.net/cards/#rarity=LEGENDARY&sortBy=includedWinrate

    Honestly the only competitor in terms of value is Leeroy Jenkins, Kalimos is one of the best legends in standard and probably the strongest legend in Ungoro in terms of actual winrate value.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Ozruk a safe dust?

    There is no risk of him being nerfed so it is improbable there ever will be a 'good refund value' for him. So I think there is no risk that you will get a better deal in terms of dusting the golden.

    But what about the normal? Now, are elemental decks good and does Ozruk fit into them well?


    Elemental decks that run Ozruk have a 51% winrate. This is actually higher than The Caverns Below. Now the played winrate for Ozruk is actually lower than the deck winrate, so Ozruk is not the 'playmaker' of elemental decks although he does fit into them well. But with this in mind, I would not encourage you to dust Ozruk since elemental decks are in a pretty good place.

    My verdict: dust the golden, keep the regular

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is Jade Spirit not an elemental?

    Come on, we all know no one on team 5 actually reads the WoW lore.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on I've been playing Gwent all weekend

    I finally got into the beta for Gwent this weekend, played for about two hours yesterday, and... idk. I think their 'new player experience' needs a lot of work. Every 'practice' deck I tried vs the computer, the computer had a bunch of elite cards that instantly shut you down. It felt like my first impression of the game was that it was pay to win and I wasn't even playing against humans.

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on New to Hearthstone and Hearthpwn. Any tips?

    Serious props to Pikachu for keeping it together in this thread.

    To the OP, in terms of deckbuilding goals, your main quest right now is probably going to be to find replacements for the C'thun cards in your deck. Right now C'thun is a very weak win condition since you primarily rely on elemental power, but since there's few alternatives in your card pool you will need to find some more consistent power.

    My recommendation at the moment would be to focus on crafting (or ideally opening) 2x Stonehill Defender. This is a very powerful card in paladin because the chance of discovering a Tirion Fordring or Wickerflame Burnbristle is very high. This will give you access to win conditions without actually having to craft those particular legendaries, instead only two rares at 200 dust. For these I am imagining you replacing your c'thun 4-drop and c'thun himself.

    To replace your c'thun two-drops, I recommend crafting 2x Hydrologist. Although no elemental synergy, this will give you access to secrets on the fly to react to what your opponent is doing and the board state. Discovering a secret is definitely worth 1 hp on each of the bodies.

    Honestly I think you will find it difficult to advance to rank 5 in the current meta with your card pool, although it is not impossible, and bear in mind rank 5 is the next big improvement after rank 15 so if you do not want to commit there's not a big reason to float around on rank 15-10 if you ever start to get frustrated. I would focus on arena, where there will be more balance in card pool and where you can get a sense of fun card interactions. You seem to already have a very good sense of curve and tempo.

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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