
Masters of the arcane arts and seekers of hidden knowledge, your library of information can be found within the Mage forum!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Theorycraft otk mage >>
by ZoReee
2 3,486
Why is no one (else) fiddling around with Aggro Burn Mage lists? >>
by CaptainKaulu
6 1,559
Has mage ever been worse? >>
by Worrywort
29 4,741
Standard Big Spell Mage vs Blademaster Okani >>
by yeah2see
1 686
Which mech mage deck is the best? >>
by _Nihenna
5 1,912
Your opinion about APM mage >>
by CanibalPenguim
43 8,040
Standard Quest mage 40% win rate >>
by BushidoJihi
52 6,881
[Deck Building] Help with deck >>
by Jdeg
2 1,057
Hit legend with Reno Mage >>
by nyr88byg
11 2,589
Tempo Mage in standard >>
by emkarab
2 1,239
Highlander Mage >>
by user-25248098
2 875
I've never been this excited about mage cards before >>
by PetiteMouche
9 1,670
Standard Mozaki - number of minions? >>
by fusilli
6 1,637
Mage actually is just going to be annoying the whole year >>
by KitsuneRTC
19 2,291
Ring Toss >>
by KarmaLlama
6 1,147
[Deck Building] Mage Theorycraft (PING!) >>
by Pherosizm
3 903
obvious case of RNG manipulation >>
by irhmgg1
28 3,002
Reno and box >>
by irhmgg1
6 1,290
op cards not seeing play >>
by irhmgg1
10 2,359
The most crazy game I've played in a while! (Casino C'thun vs. Res Priest) >>
by Wizzlewix
3 973
[Deck Building] Mage Theorycrafting >>
by Pherosizm
0 1,125
Why do I suddenly suck with highlander mage? >>
by Nihenna
4 1,719
Tortollan Mage thread >>
by Petrezq
11 2,138
[Deck Release] Control Highlander Mage >>
by Duesentrieb
5 1,070
[Deck Release] Casino Quest Mage -for the memes- >>
by GratedWasabi
5 1,521