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Good card, not too overpower, not useless, just good.
Bye, bye volcanic potion! See u in wild
I was playing against druid. He dropped enchanted raven turn one. I dropped babbling book. He played bloodsail corsair and there came patches. Patches hit my head. I hit his head with babbling book. Then I played coin and volcanic potion. HE CONCEDED. Yes Bloodmage Thalnos and Arcane Explosion does it better but who runs AE pff. Anti Aggresive Face card.
This is what i am Tolkien about. Awesome card. Gj Blizzard.
I hardly play aggro, but when I do I seriously can't believe how game-winning this card is. This card single-handedly makes Reno mage possible. 3 mana consecration on a class that's main control weakness was that they don't have board clears in the first few turns??? It's almost impossible to play around this card as an aggresive deck unless you are playing Aggro shaman
Exactly, 3 mana consecration is what makes this card too op
That is one satisfying golden animation right there.
I guess mages need more board wipes.
well i mean, they do, they're boardclears range from extremely small and weak or extremely high and now getting powercrept
This isn't powercreep. It's worse than Demonwrath even though Warlocks are worse in board clears than Mage.
This is Freezemage and I approve this card.
Especially in wild. No longer will Explosive Sheep be our only solution to face decks!
Who plays Wild format you pleb.
Better give mage a 3-mana consecration I guess.
this is more of a Demonwrath
This is Explosive Sheep in standard.
I really rather not give freeze mage yet another board clear.
freeze mage would rather Cone of Cold for the extra freeze effect. though I see Volcanic Potion as an alternative.
freeze mage ran Explosive Sheep over cone before standard, and this is the same effect for one less mana.
Surprised that most of you don't see that this card will extremely useful against aggro decks for warlock, paladin and shaman. Moreover a combo with any +spell damage gives you a powerful AoE spell between blizzard and flame strike...could even be at a cheaper cost.