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In arena, this card's text changes to the following-- Battlecry: Discover a Mage, Priest, or Warlock Death Knight.
Excellent way to look for other hero cards.
Better than Grimestreet Informant and Lotus Agents imho.
Thought she says : Presto
Most funny sound in the expansion so far
So irritating and funny at the same time
it's a battlecry
That is not how Ethereal Peddler works... it doesn't keep discounting cards if you get them after you played it...
Dumb ass it's a battlecry kys
*a dude does not understand mechanic of a card
*K Y S N0oB U do nut understeend
Grow up mattgratson
The fact that preist and mage is part of Kalbal
The fact that preist has both Shadowform and Raza the Chained
The fact that Preist can obtain Coldarra Drake from this card
Reverse is true too... mage can obtain Raza the Chained and then pulling of 20+ pings + spell is actually possible if you quick enough (there are proofs on YouTube)
That works too afaik
The caution with this card is that is not a real 3 mana card... it is a 3+at least 2 mana card.
Freezing Potion is 0 mana and can be useful depending on situation...
An interesting point to note is that this can also discover Kabal cards! I found that out earlier today and wound up with two Kazakus in my hand!