I think this is one of those questions, where the answer is a clear YES from a game mechanic point of view. That doesn't mean that it wouldn't be cool and flavorful if flare still countered counter spell, but it seems like a lot of work for very little. They would either have to make flare not count as a spell or clarify some "resolve order" exception for flare only, unless a new "split second/instant" keyword will be made.
So YES, but i wish NO :)
I too say yes, but I wish no, haha ... this exactly sums up why I made this topic. I understand mechanically it works like this, fortunately 2 years after this topic the game now has some more cards that interact with secrets.
Yes It is anti synergy, but the 2 banana spells king mukla gives and coldlight oracle will make up for that when you play the OTK combo the right way. I agree it can be a slow combo sometimes, still fun if you can pull it off. Thanks for the feedback!!
Also playing since 2014 and also lost. Another thing that bothers me us how many different legendaries there are that are the same character but can do different stuff. Especially the dragons, 3 ysera's, all kinds of different deathwings etc etc. It is confusing for me so I cant imagine what it must be for a new player. Any new players reading this and willing to jymp into the discussion?
never got this lucky: golden brann and 2 golden lightfangs, used hero power on one of the lightfangs, got brann with the Faceless Taverngoer and got the other light fang with that darkmoon fair prize: turn a random minion in Bob's tavern golden, there were a couple of good minions but it hit the light fang, lol:
Good to hear you like it. The quest is a perfect adiition to the deck indeed, unfortunately I do not own it yet. I like the idea of a 0 cost c'thun. If I ever have the quest I will try your version.
Great idea, you will need that 5 mana minion that puts 2 cards from your deck that did not start there in your hand (forgot it's name). Just 1 thing: after you play Y shaarj you have 6 spots to put a minion. Circus Medic deals only 4 damage, so even if you stepback Y'shaarj you can only do 28 damage. So it eont be an OTK, but close.
jungle giants is such an awesome card, the swing turns are so crazy. I always put Cursed Disciple in my versions. And sometimes Prince Malchezaarfor a little extra steam.
I came here to say the same thing about Cursed Disciple, lol. Ou beat me to it. PS nice deck. +1
It sometimes help to get a cheaper combo and big minions are cheaper to play too. But I you want to Kanrethad is an excellent replacement. I do not have him. Another protodrake or colossus are good options as well. As they benefit both N'Zoths.
... call Hanz, he will help you
I too say yes, but I wish no, haha ... this exactly sums up why I made this topic. I understand mechanically it works like this, fortunately 2 years after this topic the game now has some more cards that interact with secrets.
Yes It is anti synergy, but the 2 banana spells king mukla gives and coldlight oracle will make up for that when you play the OTK combo the right way. I agree it can be a slow combo sometimes, still fun if you can pull it off. Thanks for the feedback!!
Fun OTK deck to try, let me know what you think or how to improve:
This deck is a two-way OTK deck. The basic idea is to increase Shudderwock's attack with cards like:
Midnight Drake , Ruststeed Raider and Mutanus the Devourer .
After that you can go two ways:
1) After you have played: C'Thun , play Tour Guide and Shudderwock the same turn. You will do more than 30 damage when C'Thun's battlecry triggers.
2) After you have played: Leatherclad Hogleader , Crabrider , and preferably Faceless Corruptor (will hit the tour guide) : play Tour Guide and Shudderwock the same turn. You will have 2 Charging Shudderwocks with high attack and windfury.
Details explained:
Never mind, did not read it right, lol
Also playing since 2014 and also lost. Another thing that bothers me us how many different legendaries there are that are the same character but can do different stuff. Especially the dragons, 3 ysera's, all kinds of different deathwings etc etc. It is confusing for me so I cant imagine what it must be for a new player. Any new players reading this and willing to jymp into the discussion?
never got this lucky: golden brann and 2 golden lightfangs, used hero power on one of the lightfangs, got brann with the Faceless Taverngoer and got the other light fang with that darkmoon fair prize: turn a random minion in Bob's tavern golden, there were a couple of good minions but it hit the light fang, lol:
Good to hear you like it. The quest is a perfect adiition to the deck indeed, unfortunately I do not own it yet. I like the idea of a 0 cost c'thun. If I ever have the quest I will try your version.
Great idea, you will need that 5 mana minion that puts 2 cards from your deck that did not start there in your hand (forgot it's name). Just 1 thing: after you play Y shaarj you have 6 spots to put a minion. Circus Medic deals only 4 damage, so even if you stepback Y'shaarj you can only do 28 damage. So it eont be an OTK, but close.
Nice deck, I upvoted. Not sure it classifies as an OTK deck though (unless I am missing something).
I came here to say the same thing about Cursed Disciple, lol. Ou beat me to it. PS nice deck. +1
A fun deck with a few strong cards and nice combo's. Small guide inside, let me know if you have ideas how to improve.
Looks fun but missing the 2 weapons and Finja and pathces and ringmaster Whatley .... basically the core of the deck, lol. +1 upvote
It sometimes help to get a cheaper combo and big minions are cheaper to play too. But I you want to Kanrethad is an excellent replacement. I do not have him. Another protodrake or colossus are good options as well. As they benefit both N'Zoths.