Fleethoof Pearltusk

Card Text
Corrupt: Gain +4/+4.
Flavor Text
Guest interactions may vary over the duration of the visit.
Corrupt: Gain +4/+4.
Guest interactions may vary over the duration of the visit.
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Leerox synergy perhaps.
Would it corrupt it before it hits the board though? Do we know when the corrupt trigger happens yet?
I would think so once you play Leerox the condition is met for corrupt. (However hence the *perhaps)
*Tested- does not work :(
This is actually pretty strong with N'Zoth, God of the Deep, since it can summon an 8/8 for free, or the better alternative of King Krush for Hunter.
Going in my Shando Highlander Beast Druid
8/8 with rush for 5 mana... this is insane
Also imagine it combined with something else by Deathstalker Rexxar
elephant gang