Mutanus the Devourer
Card Text
Battlecry: Eat a minion in
your opponent's hand.
Gain its stats.
Flavor Text
As long as Naralex stays under the blanket, Mutanus can't get him.
Battlecry: Eat a minion in
your opponent's hand.
Gain its stats.
As long as Naralex stays under the blanket, Mutanus can't get him.
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This card is the ultimate counter to Kaza Druid and I love it.
So I was thinking... this minion definitively has potential to be an absolute monster. Especially against control decks, combo decks, and big minion heavy decks like big priest.
The problem?
You can use this once per game, so chances are that this is not gonna happen very often. But then I remembered that Corrupt the Waters exists.
So I threw it in my C'Thun OTK deck, alongside Bolner Hammerbeak, Tour Guide and my golden Shudderwock and the result is...
uh... well...
Yeaaaah... I think this card is pretty good.
It's so satisfying when you, at fatigue, make a Priest's Seek Guidance Xyrella's fish food!
My opponent was incredulous reading Mutanus the Devourer at the end of the match!
Great Card! Good Laughs =)
the golden animation is missing out on some opportunity for animation flavour add some stuff like saliva dripping from his mouth or water waves crashing around or even some kind of a hand sticking out of his mouth deFINintely room for improvement
I was pleased that the first time I played this card, it consumed a sorcerer's apprentice against a Mozaki mage
Uhmmm.. Hello Scargil?
Holy moly, I LOVE this card.
I guess if the meta is all control and combo, this could see play, but this is a dead draw in aggro matchups.
Will be fun in Battlecry Shudder Shaman. Will be below 50% win rate...but will be fun.
My boy got himself a buff, disrupt, & discount!
Given the mana cost, this should real "Eat the most expensive card in the opponent's hand. Gain stats equal to its cost" Let it eat a Jaraxxus or Reno, snipe a Shudderwock, or completely neutralize a Mass Resurrection.
Well, that's a card. It's VERY hard hate for a lot of combo in STD; far too slow for Wild. Kills minion-light combo, though the RNG for most decks is bad. Can be reduced by good timing, but if it whiffs you lose. NOt the fun kind of RNG.
Maybe there'll be some weird combo in Wild in which you reduce cost of cards, then play brann + mutanus + some spell disruption and just win? Idk I have no clue about what happens in Wild haha
DISCLAIMER: despite the hatred thrown in this post this card is very likely too slow to be realistically included in the refined versions of most decks (talking about the wild shitshow here, where OTKs and similar are almost as fast as aggro decks, standard MAY have a place for it but Idk enough about it anymore to make that call)
And here I thought that Far Watch Post being printed meant that they had realized just how unfun,unearned,uninteresting and overall shitty it feels to both play AND play against discard style disruption. Honestly that card's effect (opponent's cards cost X more, up to 10) was the best attempt at non-toxic disruption I've seen from this game so far.
But alas, here we go again with the good ol' cointoss where heads means:
"gj you sniped the opponent's key combo piece or N'Zoth, the Corruptor like card so...gj you won (or basically won, to a point where it's up to YOU not to mess up regardeless of how the opponent plays)"
and Tails means:
"sucks to suck, you randomly hit a useless card, prepare to get OuTpLaYeD by whatever stupid unstoppable BS your opponent is playing because this card was your only hope for counterplay"
That is SO much fun to have happen to you...just ask anyone that got his key cards randomly dirty ratted, I'm sure he'll agree.
Anyways, it's not ALL horrendously awful I guess...technically this IS an odd costed disruption card, meaning that odd warrior FINALLY has SOME degree of counterplay vs any BS unreactable deck. just ignore the fact that said "counterplay" is just as horrendously toxic to the game as the things it is countering and everything will look fine.
This card is giga boring. Imagine losing a control matchup because you eat an irrelevant 1 mana card with your Mutanus and your opponent eat your Ysera with his one. This is not a good way to give control deck counterplay against combo decks. Pretty bad design because your win condition is fully RNG based.
Finally something to counter APM Mage and combo Mages. Eat that shit.
Arent you dead agianst thoose decks by turn 5? And isnt dirty rat just better against thoose decks than?
Good luck drawing both Flamewakers that early.
As an aside, it's hilarious how Murloc Knight has absolutely crippled the design space for Murlocs. They had to make this low stats even though it costs massive mana, or else highrolling from murloc knight ruins wild, again.
It's suitably expensive. A bit risky. Neutral combo disruption of sorts.