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"Now I'm falling asleep and she's calling a crab…"
"Now I'm falling asleep and she's calling a crab…"
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I really hope this gets nerfed! It is insane both with paladin buff cards and with the new 4 mana Call to Arms in wild. Kill it fast, or you are dead...
Well this is completely busted. Not a murloc and it’s decent, making it a murloc is going to be extremely oppressive
so no one is gonna point out the combo with this and the 1 mana rogue spell
With buffs from other murlocs and Paladin or Shaman cards, this can be devastating when hit face.
Also can potentially keep your murlocs alive in early game. Amazing card, definietly one of the best murloc cards from some time.
It's like a much better flying machine, but I don't think this will be very successful outside of a murloc deck. Sure it can value trade with two 1-drops, but pretty situational. Any 2-drop eats it, so the stand-alone playability is pretty low. Buff synergy is good, so maybe in libram paladin?
Flying machine was 3, and a mech, this is two and a murloc. This is completely busted
I play a 2/3, you play crab rider, then what?
And yes I also think that 2 mana is much better than 3, but it still needs a buff spell to be remotely playable. Even Frost wolf grunt trades with this guy.
I'm not saying that it's bad, but unless you have hand of adal or some killer murloc synergy going, you won't play this.
Wait that's cheating Crabs are supposed to eat Murlocs
sleeper hit if murladin comes back
Nuts in etc warrior
I'm definitely putting 2 of this in my murloc deck.
this seems very strong. I can see this in and tempo/aggro deck. Very strong target for buffs, warlock dormant buff card in Zoo stands out.
Pretty good arena card IMO.