clear all

Scholomance Tamsin

Scourgeborne Arthas

Scourgebound Bru'kan

Scourgeslayer Vashj

Scourgestorm Millhouse

Scourgewind Chenvaala

Scourgewolf Drek'thar

Scoutmaster Tavish

Scullery Nemsy

Sea Admiral Saurfang

Sea Dryad Lunara

Sea Guide Finley

Sea Reaver Inge

Searing Fire Elemental

Restless elementals threaten to destroy the Horde city of Orgrimmar!

Second Sight Illidan

Second War Uther

Secret Destiny Aranna

Serena Bloodfeather

Witchwing Harpies mark
the end of many young
mercenaries in the Dry Hills.

Shado-pan Jaraxxus

Shadow Gul'dan

Shadow Helm Saurfang

Shadow Priest Xyrella

Shadowmoon Gul'dan

Shadowpanther Jandice

Shadow-touched Xyrella

Shaman Trainee

Shan'do Malfurion

Shardseeker Xyrella

Sharkwrangler Hooktusk

Shield Maiden Yrel

Shipmaster Medivh

Shipwrecked Magni

Showstopper Alexstrasza



SI:7 Anduin

Sideshow Deryl

Silas Darkmoon

Silverguard Faelin



Sindragosa of the Scourge

Sindragosa the Blue

Sinstone Sneed

Sir Anoise-O

Sir Finley

Sir Finley Mrrgglton

Sir Finley Mrrgglton

Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius

Sire Melodious

Skating Silas


Sky Sailor Galewing

Skycap’n Mrrg

Skycap'n Kragg

Skyshatter Thrall

Slayer Valeera

Slayer Valeera

Sleeping Ysera

Sludge Beast

Venture Co. has constructed an oil rig at Sludge Fen despite protests from the local population.

Smooth Jazz Morgl

S'more-master Cookie

Snakespeaker Vashj



The Defias Brotherhood has filled its hideout with traps and armed guards.

Sneed, Chariot Racer

Sniper Tavish

Snowball Hooktusk

Snowblast Eudora

Earnable after purchasing the <i>Fractured in Alterac Valley</i> Tavern Pass, or obtained by purchasing in the shop.

Snowflipper Rexxar

Snowman Thrall

Soggy Yoggy

Sorceress Greymane

Sparkle Guardian Nemsy

Sparkspinner Nemsy

Spectator A. F. Kay

Spellbound Baz'hial

Spellwinder Toki

Spelunker Guff

Spirit Bru'kan

Spring Love Sindragosa

Stalwart Cariel

Earnable on the Fractured in Alterac Valley Tavern Pass.

Stand-off Jandice

Star Ascendant Uther

Star Scout Scabbs

Starblast Galewing


Stasia Fallshadow

A suspicious attacker has interrupted a meeting between leaders of the Alliance and Horde.

Steel Guardian Malfurion