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quest rogue BrokeBack
Plays well with the new Paladin card,
Great card for Battlecry Shaman decks. He's a cheap activator for Rumbling Elemental, is pretty powerful with Brann, and helps swarm the board for Bloodlust.
Auto include in every aggro deck, im sure.
this is actually a super dope arena card
I bet it will be very good. With the taunt upside over the other murloc, it can kill a 2-3 or a 3-2 with the upside of having a 1-1 with taunt, more often.
power creep to tidehunter? or nerf? What's better, being part of the murloc tribe or having taunt? kinda like comparing apples and oranges i guess.
is he a murloc????
Bile fin tidehunter? Obviously a corrupted Murloc? Why isn't he a Murloc!!!
Murloc Knight indirect nerf but a kinda trippy card, gets me just for the art alone.
On the other hand, it protects your stronger murloc. Normally the enemy would just trade for your 2/1 and leave your 1/1. Now you keep your 2/1 and lose your 1/1 instead.
You can also run 2 of both in your deck. It's a decent replacement for Puddlestomper, as you generally want to token spam and spread when playing a murloc deck.
Here you go!