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This should be 1 mana, or Discover. Even like that it is doubtful it would be played in a competitive deck imo
Insane in arena. Huge chance to steal DK and hand refill.
Believe me. It carried me to 7 wins
If Thief Rogue makes a comeback this will see play. But probably not competitively. For the memes.
Good value card but I would run only 1 one copy in every deck you decide to include it. Two is kinda greedy imo, think that this will be a dead card in your hand until late game in most scenarios and it's more like a win-more card really. Running two makes your deck more inconsistent at the end of the day.
This card is actually really good. Topdecking it after turn 10 adds 5 cards to your hand. The best Echo so far
Great synergy with new epic weapon. Also it's nice to see such a classic Warcraft skill being made into the card.
Spectral Cutlass still sucks. A long lasting, low damage weapon, on a class that has a slightly lower damage, effectively infinite weapon as a Hero Power, is just... meh.
I mean you can add Deadly Poison... but then its so much to do. You have to have the weapon, a poison, a steal card, THEN play the stolen card.
I was thinking about some tempo deck with this weapon as some kind of long term value keeper with DK but it might not be that good until I can just put legendary weapon into it. The concept of it is a thing I like though, It has potential to be expanded by next epansions, so who knows, maybe one day Thief will be actual Rogue archetype :)
Looking back on priest, thief decks are about value. Valeera the Hollow does that job pretty well late game, a few 3-5 cost value cards could do the trick
I've just played a game where my opponent stole and used my DK (I was playing Druid) then boosted it to +4+9 by playing his old rogue cards (one being a full Pick Pocket turn 10+)
It won me my first game with it, and cost me the rest. Each are dead cards without the other. And I'm still not sure its better than Kingsbane package...
This card has some serious value. Works in a lot of combos. Dang, wish I played more rogue, i just never pull enough of their epics and legendaries to make it feel worth the time and effort to dust up for it.
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End wanted to stay in standard
This card really shines on T6 onwards
Hey, Rogue is actually a decent thief now.
Cool card, but impractical. Anything remotely slow or provide little tempo just doesn't cut it for rogue. Great Arena card though.
If we see cost reduction for non rogue cards in standard through Year of the Raven then this is bonkers.
If not then it's okay with spell and combo synergies and enables rogues to refill quite efficiently albeit with substantial RNG.
Non Rogue card reduction will elevate this substantially.
Yes! Now I can call stealing decks Pickpocket rogue and it makes sense! Anyways, the cost of this card on multiple uses is a little much but I love it and think this could be a lot of fun.
I think this card is losing on the card generation/mana value pretty bad. Hallucination, Journey Below and Swashburglar cost 1 mana and generate only 1 card, but Hallucination and Journey Below are giving you a chance to not get a useless card with the discover and with Swashburglar you get a 1/1 body (RIP Patches btw). Undercity Huckster is similar to Swashburglar. And With Burgle you basically get 1 card for 1,5 mana which is better than Pick pocket.
These echo cards are "win more" cards. The only time you are actually able to capitalize on their value is if you are already winning.
Say you play this card on turn 10 with 10 mana... Maybe you play it 5 times. You just spent 10 mana and your whole turn doing basically nothing. Meanwhile, your opponent just smacked you in the face for 15 damage and you only have 2 HP left. Oops.
The only way you can really get what these cards are worth, or more, is to already have control of the game, you have to already be winning. Or at least tied for board control, or about to gain control. If you are behind, even a tiny bit, these echo cards will lose you the game.