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this can be very good in a deck with mecha'thun
Why does priest always get great cards that synergize with their deck archetype. This card is broken because how it interacts with the quest. And don't get me started on the power creep in this latest expansions.Psychic Scream combined Archbishop Benedictus is just another way to get around fatigue. Not to mention the priest can hold on to Amara, Warden of Hope and heal up to 39 health bumping up the health-pool to forty. So you are left in a predicament of there is no point doing face damage when they have it in their hand. They play Benedictus after a few Psychic Screams and escape fatigue while you easily kill your opponent. I love not being able to do anything about this.
Single handedly makes the quest viable. In the post-nerf witchwood meta, quest priest with benedictus is actually pretty good. Enables quickcompletion of the quest, as well as giving card draw or generation through the revival of cards like thalnos, loot hoarder, crystaline oracle, etc.
Amazing card. Use it in my deathrattle Quest Priest deck. I choose this card above Greater Diamond Spellstone.
Veeery nice golden animation.
J/K - seriously, fuck this card.
how many fucking obsidian statues priest need blizzard!?
at least 14 cards in total ;)
After all those 4 attack minions, I guess they'll bring deathrattle anduin now, Still bad since N'zoth is rotating out, and also there are some insane board clears, so they fucked up priests, good job blizzard!
Let's look at this situation to illustrate how broken this is:
Turn 1: Awaken the Makers
Turn 2: Crystalline Oracle or Loot Hoarder
Turn 3: Devilsaur Egg and trade your previous drop into your opponent's 2-drop
Turn 4: Inner Fire on the egg, trade it into your opponent's 3-drop and play Twilight's Call
Turn 5: You have a 5/5 Devilsaur, a 1/1 Devilsaur Egg that will summon another 5/5 Devilsaur and a card generating 1/1 (7/7 worth in stats and a card from the 3-mana call). You will also have 4 of the 7 deathrattles for your quest finished.
I'm guessing that quest priest is comming back?
Another priest card, another imbalanced addition to already imbalanced arsenal. How long can this go on?
At this point let's just hope that priest buffing trend stops at C&C expansion.
Cobolds and Catacombs? Don't you mean Kobolds and Catacombs? With a 'K'
Are you fucking kidding me?!? Obsidian Statue is already retardedly OP, why the fuck you do such card?!? Blizzard have vomited all over the place with the cards from this expansion. Just insane what kind of stupidly overpowered cards they are releasing...
This card might end up making Priest,if possible,even more annoying to play against..... Who doesn't love having to deal with a board full of Obsidian Statues?... Regardless of that this card hands down wins the award for the best art of the expansion.... As soon as I find the full art it'll become one of my Desktop backgrounds....
Quest Priest... Big Priest... Quest Priest... Big Priest... something something "why not both?" Nothing but Obsidian Statue to finish the quest and then later on Greater Diamond Spellstone potentially giving you two 8/8 taunts (The Lich King and Amara, Warden of Hope) along with whichever other 2 minions.
Basicly 3 mana kill two random opponent's minions. To do it with new rogue card you need to UPGRADE your spellstone! And it cost 5 not 3!
I don't know, big priest will be so scary this expension, it could be the worst highroll deck we ever had in hearthstone.
The cards says rare but the art screams Legendary!
Oh yeah, because priest really needs more ways to rez things.