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I like the targeted discard theme but this only fits into slower Discard Warlocks. Maybe something like this? But probably more Control oriented instead of Cube.
When I yell in public, my Coin disappears too.
Going Bat-Mode warlock because I'm Batman?
Tune in next livestream to find out!
Guldan is like fine wine just gets better with time. Such a great card !
Clutchmother Zavas FTW!
Shriek is my reaction this this when I went all fan-girl over the creation of discard you can aim.
cost efficient and effective. Pairs well with Thalnos as well (3-mana hellfire + draw a card)
If you run this alongside defile in DIscardlock you might just ahve enough boardclear to stall until portal.
this card's disgusting because this is the first really good discard card that can actually be put into a control warlock deck. You could easily throw this into cube-lock and just discard a Mortal Coil. If this card turns out mediocre, it'll just be because of how insane warlock's other board clears are. This card is like Potion of Madness good. I'm thrilled that I'll be able to run this in my baku quest warlock deck, but it's not going to be fun seen in a serious oppressive control warlock deck like cube-lock.
Hey wait a second! I can't discard Cruel Dinomancer reliably with this! Blizzard, what is this cop-out?
yup also ben brode make it RNG stone and make alot of death knights and quest class half of them useless , thank god he leaves and game become better and better with each new expansion
Pretty good board clear
Could it be? A card that doesn't fuck over Discard Warlock by discarding your highest cost card immediately?