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Getting hit with this card will cost you ~ 2 arena runs!
''Emeriss uses Wing Blast. It's super effective! ''
Holy mother of H A M B I S C U I T S
this card is powerful
can't SMORC?! a u t o d u s t
Solid card for control hunter, but can be also played in any aggro deck. Versatility for hunters is something that class really misses. Love it!
Hunter may use his weapon to remove a minion then play this for 1 mana to remove another while still have mana left to play another one...
Looks very very strong, will be a staple card in constructed for sure.
Probably not good enough for constructed, but a great arena card. 4 mana deal 4 is not great, but playable in arena, and meeting the condition isn't that hard to make this card pretty good in arena.
It's broken in arena, this will be 4 damage for 1 mana almost always with no drawback.
A one mana deal four damage is insane no matter what. Sure there are better single removal options but the flexibility of hitting more than one target is more valuable. On top of that you can most likely play minion or spell making it a pretty tempo card as well.
While I do agree with your overall analysis, it's still worth mentioning that this can be another decent removal tool for Hunter. Sure, the examples you gave for Hunter's Mark are valid, but why not run both? As I see it, the existence of this card means Hunter has more tools to play a slower styled deck, which they've only recently had a small amount of success with.
I agree with what LordBater said. Wing Blast could be the last thing we needed to get a viable control hunter. I doubt it, but it's difficult to judge these things before they're out.
Cheers man^^. May there be Zombeasts in our future :P
The comparison to Hunter's Mark is only valid in the situations when you're using 1 Minion + 1 Spell to kill 1 Enemy Minion. There will be plenty of times when when you use 1 Minion to kill 1 of theirs + this spell to kill a second minion of theirs.
Super good art, i want to see the full art of it.
Definetly gonna add this to yogg and load hunter, who knows, mayby this, mastiff and other new cards will spawn control hunter deck.
At first when I saw this i was like "pretty decent card", then I realized Hunter's Mark is also 1 mana and involves killing off one of your little minions and that card's never played and it can kill a giant instead of just dealing 4 damage
Hunter's Mark is played a lot.
Hunter's Mark doesn't get played much because Hunter doesn't get played much. It's in spell hunter but even that's not exactly competitive right now because it doesn't have any good defensive cards.
so that's a common misconception. The "used in X % of decks" isn't actually relevent because that's the % of decks users create in the deckbuilding page on this website. You will almost never see 95% of decks that are on this website.