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Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but when I cast a non-gold version of this on a golden target, it generates a golden wolf. Probably a bug?
No. If you hit a golden minion with a non-golden spell, the token will be golden. It's not a bug.
I didn't know that! Neat.
Leaving Cobra Shot here just so we remember hunter spells have come a long way.
Hey guys, while you're theorycrafting with this card, remember: If there isn't a minion to target, you can't get the 3/3 wolf.
A decent replacement for Dispatch Kodo which some people run in their midrange decks. 1 extra damage!
would personally prefer a 2/4 over a 3/3 though
Kodo can hit face as well, so there is that. Probably not a straight up replacement afterall, at least in the midrange decks.
3 damage is a huge benefit against 2 damage. kodo doesn't kill shaman 3 hp totems (searing and mana tide), doesn't kill spirit wolves, doesn't kill most of 3 mana drops in game, while this card does.
This is like Fire Plume Phoenix but with one more dmg.
Damn, its is a hunter card guys, we dont need spells
So they want keep Hunter the cheap F2P class. Nearly all Legendary's and Epics in Hunter unplayable. You don't need to spend Hundreds of $ just play Hunter.....
This is Fire Plume Phoenix, but with a beast (better for hunter), and it does one additional damage (better), and it works with this suddenly popular "minion-less" hunter deck people are talking about.
Cool mid-range card for hunter and it's a replacement for Quick Shot for the early game
This is an efficiently bundled card. It is best compared with Imp-losion. That cards average outcome was considered good and was run in a class with many many good clearance cards. The body is also a beast so it has more synergy with existing midrange decks. Overall, a great card that is NOT 3 mana for Hunter that will see play in multiple hunter decks. All we need now is for those decks to not be tier 3.
Ok in my opinion
Better than Fire Plume Phoenix in Arena, and that's already a top-tier common. Hunter needed something like this.
I's a control tool...a 4 mana 3/3 beast that deals 3 damage is pretty neat. Stampeding kodo was playable in Hunter, so i don't see why this shouldn't be.
Although, maybe Handbuffing sees some play with the new Hydra, then people would probably just keep running Kodo
Hey Wolves, it's Feeding Time!