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Yeh, but the point of it was that when they bounce back, it makes a large cheap board that you can spirit echoes for good value. I am not a bread, my man
All you whippersnappers think your little Prince Keleseth is so great because he's a 2 mana 2/2. Well, now The Mistcaller is a 1 mana 4/4. How's that for value?
i guess trump didn't get to reveal the real value card this time :)
Best card so far!
This is what a REAL Druid/Rogue/Shaman Tri-Class Legendary looks like. It's an Elemental Aviana with a one-sided Vanish.
Too expensive. I demand that my 7/7s be 4 mana!
It's actually a (0) 7/7! You're just paying for the one-sided Vanish.
Holy crap.
It was pre-Ungoro, but I took a Battlecry Shaman deck to rank 8 some time ago. Might have to rebuild that deck with this guy. Bomb Lobber, Novice Engineer, the Jade package, add in wild for Azure Drake, Antique Healbot, Rumbling Elemental, not to mention the Elemental Synergy that's out now.....
I'm going to have fun with this card.
1. Save coin till turn 10
2. Drop Doppelgangster and coin out Grumble, Worldshaker
3. Double Dopple Deathseer Draul
4. ???
Wow this could be busted in an elemental deck. Shamans already have the best elementals hands down.
Now i know what to do with the free Shaman Weapon if i get it, dust for this legendary gg
Not bad, if you get Kalimos or blazecallers back then that's great value. seems slow though.
You'd Grumble too if everyone left when you came to say hello.
This guy Blizzards.