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4 mana 7/7 Flamewreathed Faceless
6 mana 7/7 Grumble, Worldshaker
7 mana 7/7 Neptulon
8 mana 7/7 Kalimos, Primal Lord
Next expansion 5 mana 7/7 LUL
Except Grumble, Worldshaker and Hoarding Dragon, almost every other card has low stats. This expansion is a giant nerf to Evolve Shaman. Devolve on the other hand became more powerful.
How about using it as a slow value win condition in evolve shaman? You've evolved a fairly powerful board, maybe even using the DK (though that can't be done in the same turn(Far Sight?)), you play this, and over the next several turns you "sprinkle" your regular play with an extra 6/6 or so. That won't be easy to keep countering.
dose blizzard really think his effect is negative? XD or why do they put a 6 mana 7-7 with a awsome battlecry in? XD i mean that ALL cards you get back just cost one is INSANE if there cost normal it still wouldnt be that bad but ofc way worse but this card like tht is just insane in evry control shaman just valuetrade with your opponent play him get all back and play them next round for 1 mana and full stats :3 and also elemental combo soo kalimos rises? :P
Everyones talking about elemental synergies. What about Dopplegangster or Saronite? T5 doppleganster, t6 grumble, return 3 dopplegangsters to hand for 3 cost 18/18 stats with evolve value. Or saronite 2 cost 8/12 taunt.
Just one doppelganster will have a battlecry when you bounce them, other two are just 3/3s
Sure that sounds great in theory, but you need to have 3 2/2's survive turn 5 and not just get instantly removed. Also, returning a bunch of elementals to your hand, playing an overstated elemental on curve, and then flooding the board on turn 7 with more elementals that have their effects triggered could easily just win you a game right away. basically makes it so your opponent has to remove all your elementals by turn 6 or get absolutely pummeled. There are also decks that beat evolve shaman onto the board and dopple/evolve brings them right back. Elemental shaman doesn't lose the board, it's a highly minion-based midrange deck, so having its spike turn come at turn 7 is insanely good. I would rather play out 4 or 5 synergy cards on turn 7 than play 6 2/2's, even with the evolve in hand. No battlecries, no tribal synergies, and that's right on queue for Dragonfire Potion. I think it's just way too slow to be good enough, but we'll see.
That combo sounds disgusting!
This may not be meta defining at K&C release, but I feel like there will be some very legitimate combo deck to develop as a result of this card. The effect is just insane and on top of it it's an elemental that is a 7/7 for 6.
pretty good card for jade and elemental shaman. That said jade and elemental shaman aren't exactly tier one, or even tier two, or even tier three material.
I, golden shaman player, person, that hit legend with elemental shaman, approve this card.
Grumble, Worldshaker, Blazecaller, Fire Plume Harbinger on the board play Zola the Gorgon copy the Grumble, Worldshaker = infinite damage from Blazecaller?
So to pull this off you'll need 13 mana total, so it is a multiple turn set up and things on the board need to survive. Not saying its likely to happen but it should be possible and sure as hell would be fun to pull off!
This should also be possible without Zola if you already happen to have gotten one more grumble from Servant of Kalimos and one more Fire Plume Harbinger in hand. Although this is probably even less likely to happen, but hey its more chance that it could happen so that's something.
Also, Blazecaller is replaceable with Fire Elemental, Kalimos, Primal Lord, and even Fire Plume Phoenix.
@fabjx Fire Plume Harbinger
How the hell are you gonna manage to get that to live a turn? It's creative but too unlikely.
Why is everyone thinking about elementals? I just see another infinite jades mechanic, not a broken one though. This may help control shaman be a thing again.
Becouse Grumble, Worldshaker is equally good for jades and elementals! Also, most elemental decks also have jades inside, so elemental decks will have more value than jade only decks.