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It's just not good
I love it
Why does this exists?
What's with all these horrible druid cards. holy shit blizzard stop picking a class every expansion and make it overpowered and another one unplayable.
idk why people are downvoting you for telling the truth
Maybe a new Mill Druid archetype? Utilizing Drakkari Enchanter, Astral Tiger, and Ixlid, Fungal Lord.
When combined with Drakkari Enchanter, this card is literally just a repeating Coldlight Oracle. Now all that needs to be printed is a card that gives creatures stealth that druid has access to and then bam both players suffer from endless cards.
I like this card though. Its not great, or even that good, but I've always loved group hug decks in magic (Original Selvala and Non-cancerous Braids are both pretty fun). I want this card to get support as its just a more tamed version of Coldlight Oracle. Even the statline, which is pretty trash, fits this card perfectly as it makes it look defenseless and unlike Jeeves, you dont have to jump through hoops to get it to work for you, making it even friendlier. I'm excited for this card to say the least.
That part was meant as a joke. Thought giving it stealth would be the giveaway there.
I see, sorry. Usually I'm able to detect sarcasm and jokes but I've read so many absurd things in this forum that I no longer know anything.
Prepare for mill druid meta lul
It's... okay. It's a nice concept but its stats are too low to be even remotely threatening or useful and drawing one extra card isn't fantastic for 4 mana. Of course, with no more Coldlight Oracle this might be the only option.
A card that fits natural remedies druid perfectly, only 2 years too late lol.
Art-wise. . . what the hell IS that thing? Some kind of giant acorn with arms and legs and horns and. . . I don't know, my eyes are not really grasping it. Little help? lol
Would have made for an excellent buff Priest card.
In standard this is a dead card for druid. In Wild it fits in the old school mill druid decks assuming they still exist.
So they were like "we do not like mill decks" and now we get another mill druid tool? I won't complain.
Welcome back Milfurion
I'm going hog wild!
Maybe some weird mill druid thing happening with naturalize. Especially since druid is the only deck I've seen drakkari enchanter. Strange card after the coldlight HOF.