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Is it? I kinda thought it looked like a dude with boobs.
A good neutral card?
Hey, you mother f*ckers, come here and learn how to be universal cards!
Good for Taunt minions, Priests, and active effect minions. Might take some good positioning but for its stats it's a pretty good card.
The more I look at it the better it gets.
dont know about the card its ok i guess... BUT THE ART!!!!! WOW!!!!!
An alternate version of Nesting Roc spreading the health to other minions instead of himself. Roc has seen play in a few midrange decks so it's only imaginable that this will see play as well, even if it's only a 1 of. Definitely fits into any Priest decks that steer away from the Dragon synergies, possibly in the new Quest Priest which seems pretty tempo based with nice mid game minions. Plus it's amazing in arena.
I think that this card will see no play on the ladder because it is only a 5/8 when it is next to two minions. Also it is very easy to kill since it only has four health. Although it most likely see play on the ladder it will be very good in arena.
This card seems to compete for the 5 drop in only a pure Midrange deck, where as it's apparent counter part, Cobalt Scalebane which could see play in an Midrange deck that leans aggro. However, this card seems much better than Scalebane, as it has a much faster, and possibly better, effect on the board. 5 mana 5/8 that gives you better trades, and with hunter and Paladin midranges lacking in 5 drops that help with the board, this could easily see play; especially in budget decks.
Also RIP arena w/ this, Bonemare, and Plague Scientist
Superb art
10.5% bad
1.5% Dust it
Really ? This card is basically under-priced for what it costs
This is insane
Really nice to see the whole "placement matters" idea with adjacency. Really neat! Probably good in arena.
Holy crap they didn't forget about "placement matters" effects :o
5 mana 5/4 with 2 additional health if your playing it with 2 minions. so potentially a 5/8... sort of not really. good in constructed but pretty sure in constructed it isn't that good.
i voted "meta-defining" for arena. Very good arena card and will probably actually change peoples' turns
God that art is FINE~
Powerful in arena for giving minions a quick health boost to survive trades easier.
Good for arena.