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holy shit, this guy saved me from a mecha'thun lock in wild today
Say what you will about its effect, but that golden art is pretty sweet.
pretty cool for dragon decks - esp. with the deathrattle tag for nzoth potential.
Really cool that this guy is obviously Smaug from LOTR.
maybe mill dragon can even be a thing (kappa on this)
x2 in standard Quest Druid. To get coin value you actually need to kill it, and it's 5/6. If aggro spends their minions to do that - well, it well worth the money :)
This might backfire a number of times (specifically, exodia mage gets 2 free quest cards), but I'll try for sure.
That is a downside, but you can also use those coins to mill him. Most Exodia Mages keep their hands full, so dropping a pair of coins in there may cause him to mill a crucial card.
Not gonna work - you need to kill the dragon on your turn, which is more than problematic and surely not worth the effort.
I think I'd rather run Ancient Brewmaster on the 4-mana slot. Hoarding Dragon could get awkward way too often.
This card seems awful against Druid ramp decks or Shadowreaper/Raza Priest. Otherwise it seems like a slight upgrade over Keening Banshee in arena and Ticking Abomination as well.
I'd go with King Mukla over this if you're trying to mill your opponent. Deathrattle is too slow and harder to control to be effective compared to battlecries especially for milling, and your opponent can get rid of/utilize coins more effectively than bananas which cost mana.
Good in mill decks?
Eh, I don't see this being a thing in Constructed. The pessimists among us might even call it pack filler.
However, I like this card for its flavor. This card alone fully captures the tone of the entire set. "The Catacombs are a dangerous place, featuring terrifying monsters. But don't back down - overcome the danger, and glorious treasure will be yours!"
Battlecry: Give your opponent pre-nerf Innervate.
I'll play the hell out of this in Arena, and you will too. A 5/6 with no immediate drawback for 4 is pretty strong, and its drawback is nowhere near as bad as that of Ticking Abomination.
Or Hungry Dragon (the one time they have a taunt it summons a 3/1 with windfury Dust Devil).
If it can attack on the board the turn you play a Coldlight, it's good enough. This can be accomplished with stealth. Even if the opponent kills it on their turn, the chances that they waste the coins right away are low. Also this combos great with Unearthed Raptor
The get timed out for 600 seconds when you talk about it in twitch chat card :( why did they have to name it Whoring Dragon
Actual play sound
"*raaaawwwr* Don't touch my jewels! "
I voted "very good" because this card is going to be an instant selection in Arena. It's decent enough in constructed but it won't see a lot of play. Giving your opponent the pre-nerf Innervate is never a great idea.
It's better than pre-nerf innervate too because you can spread it over two turns or use it with Combo effects. It's still great in arena for the most part tho.
Out of all the 4 mana 5/6 cards with downsides, this one is arguably the best. Still don't think it will see too much play.
Pit Lord
Hungry Dragon
Ticking Abomination
Hoarding Dragon
The Legacy of 4 Mana 5/6 Side effect continues....