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Last time I played this, it was fully upgraded and it gave me another ruby spellstone and the other 2 spells were useless. I played the new spellstone again and the random spell it generated was yet another ruby spellstone. FML
Imho the spellstone should not be able to give you another spellstone, it limits the playability of this card and just doesn't make sense.
Elemental exodia inc Jebaited
Sooooo this is basically gonna be a 0 cost cabalist with leyline manipulator?
no. it's something even more powerful... 6 mana discount on your spells 12 mana if you popped both spellstones
I Think this is going to be better then people think, I think having to pay with elementals is fine. Even if you have no elementals it's like arcane intellect for one less card and one less mana, play a spell get a spell, and sometimes more. That's shots for flamewaker mana cost reduction for arcane giants, yogg fuel, quest progress. It's playable.
Mages essentially control magic and magic itself is separated in schools of magic a.k.a. frost, fire, arcane, nature, shadow, etc, where mages generally excel at the first three.
meaning that this does look like it can be a Fire Mage necklace or trinket or so
well these stones is like high lander priest , you have to high roll to able to get them in your hand at the start of the match and no the card is sucks if you play all your elemental for sake of not dying and you draw this card and again no 2 mana for 1 random spell is far way worst compare to babbling book , hell even cablist tome alot of times it gave you freeze effect and bad secrets while you face control decks thats why you don't see every mage deck play it even it cost just 3 mana more with no requirement
Why read that tome by candlelight when you can simply use the power of Ragnaros for your conjuring needs? For three whole mana less and some bonding with your Elemental friends, you can pull lethal out of thin air far more efficiently than ever before! Just call the Kobold Emporium today and talk to one of our probably licensed Grand Archivists to get your hands on your very own Ruby Spellstone!
(Kobold Emporium is not responsible for any and all Glacial Mysteries that may occur.)
Do Ruby Spellstone and Greater Ruby Spellstone count as cards that started in your deck? If not, this card just got even better for quest mage.
Technically it is the same card every time, since you are upgrading the current card not getting a new one that is an upgraded version, so i guess it won't work with quest mage.
I agree that it shouldn't count as a separate spell, but the cards do have separate names, so I could see it going either way.
We will see. Hope for the best :)
Just played this card, it essentially changes to obtain 2 Spells Cards after you played 2 Elemental. After that the card again changes to 3 Spells Cards after you played another 2 Elemental. Therefore this card cost 2 mana for 3 Spell Cards if you play 4 Elemental
This card's artwork is too similar to Volcanic Potion, I bet we will fuck it up so many times :v
Because Cabalist's Tome is going out of rotation? To be fair this could potentially be better than that since Mage already has some elementals that are used outside of elemental decks (Water Elemental and Shimmering Tempest) and then having a Fire Fly is enough to consistently get this upgrade to occur. You will probably consistently get 2 random cards off this easily even without having an elemental deck, it just forces the player to include a few elementals if you want 3 random cards. Good design.
Elemental mage is my favourite deck... it's pretty safe to say that this spell will be a great addition... 3 spells for 2 mana! What a deal!
yeah i allready tried to build a bit around it. http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/973344-dont-play-in-the-catabombs-questementalmage
Also i want to build a even saver questmage for with the Archmage Antonidas maybe you want to help me send me a message if you want to try out a bit :D would be fun.
This card is terrible, only for elemental mage and literally doing nothing